Chapter 15: Bato of the water tribe

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(a/n): hola soi Dora.

Third person POV:

Sokka sat alone as he tended the fire. Saori, who had just beat up a spirit was quietly cleaning her katana.

Leaves rustled near the two as they both stood up.

"Who's there?" Sokka called.

"Sokka?" A bandaged man walked out a bush.


Saori lowered her weapon realising that the person was not a threat.

The sleeping Katara and Aang woke up. "Who the what now?" Aang rubbed his eyes.

"Bato!" Katara happily exclaimed.

"Sokka, Katara!" Bato opened his arms as the siblings ran over to hug him. "It is so good to see you two. You've grown so much."

Aang and Saori followed behind as the airbender introduced himself. "Hi I'm Aang."

"Saori." Saori gave him a polite nod.

"Where's dad?" Sokka pulling away. "Is he here?" Katara asked.

"No, he and the other warriors should be in the eastern Earth Kingdom by now."

The cold air blew as the water tribe members shivered. "This is no place for a reunion."

The five walked to a abbey nearby as Bato went in followed by the others.

Time skip

"Bato! It looks like home!" Katara smiled.

"Everything's here, even the pelts!" Sokka gasped.

Saori, who was slightly salty about not being able to clean her katana silently stood next to Aang with a faint frown.

"No way! Stewed sea prunes?" Katara opened the pot in the centre.

"Help yourself." Bato suggested.

"Dad could eat a who barrel of these things." Sokka smiled.

A bowl was passed over to Saori who just gave it to Sokka.

"You don't like sea prunes?" Sokka asked.

"Not really.."

Saori pulled out her katana and continued to clean it, paying no attention to the conversation happening before her.

Time skip

"Ice dodging is a ceremonial test of wisdom, bravery and trust. In our village it was done by weaving a boat through a field of icebergs." Bato explained.

"How are we supposed to ice dodge without ice?" Sokka turned.

"You'll be dodging.." Bato paused. "Those." He pointed to rocks infront of the boat. "Sokka, you steer and call the shots. Lead wisely. Katara, you secure the sails. The winds can be brutal. So be brave. Aang, you control the jet, without your steady hand we all go down. Your position is about trust. And Saori you control the water, make sure that the boat does not crash into rocks. Your position is also trust."

Time skip

Saori accompanied Aang as it was her task to make sure of his wellbeing.

"I'm an idiot, Saori.." Aang sighed.

"You are." Saori sheathed her katana. "You should've given them the map the second you found it."

"Looks like it's just us now guys." Aang mumbled.

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