Chapter 10: The firebending masters

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(a/n): :^|

Third person POV:

Sokka ate an apple as he dragged Saori behind him. "Hey jerks, mind if I watch you jerks do your jerkbending?"

"Get out of here!" Zuko shouted.

"Okay, take it easy, I was just kidding around." Sokka grinned. "Jerkbending. Still got it." He spoke to himself as he walked away, leaving Saori behind.

"Don't mind me." Saori make a scroll appear. Taking off the bandages to reveal one eye, Saori peacefully read it while Zuko threw a tantrum in the back.

Time skip

Aang shook Saori awake as Zuko awkwardly stood at her door. Iris and Dior refused to take their eyes off the firebender.

"Piss off Aang, I can't help you with your spirituality." Saori turned her back to the Avatar.

"It's not that! Help me and Zuko find the true meaning of firebending!"

"Do I look like a firebender to you?" Saori grumbled.

"No not that way! Help us find where the sun warriors are." Aang pleaded as he violently shook the annoyed Saori.

Saori stopped moving for a second before she mumbled something under her breath. Sitting up she accepted her fate. "I'll take to to the Sun warrior civilization."

Time skip

Saori steered Appa to the left as Aang tried to memorize the route.

"We've been riding for hours. I don't know why but I thought this thing would be a lot faster." Zuko commented.

Saori rolled her visible eye as she turned to Aang. "Now we just have to go straight from here."

Aang nodded as they switched positions so Aang was the one steering Appa who growled.

"Appa's right Zuko, in our group typically we start out our missions with a more upbeat attitude." Aang smiled.

"I can't believe this." Zuko grumbled under his breath.

"Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it."

Time skip

Saori walked behind Zuko and Aang, trying to find the perfect time to escape.

Zuko kept looking back to make sure Saori was still with them.

Aang stumbled over a trap and was almost killed which set him in a panic. Zuko took a few steps back and ran against the wall as he landed next to Aang.

Saori smirked as she teleported away.

"Good riddance."

Time skip

Zuko and Aang made it to the top of the stairs when the firebender turned around to make sure Saori was there.

Not seeing Saori anywhere, Zuko tensed up as she was the only one who knew this place. Alerting Aang about Saori's disappearance, the two looked around for the girl.

"I'm sure she just thinks were capable of protecting ourselves." Aang tried to be optimistic. "I'm sure Dior or Iris are nearby."

They aren't.

The ravens are asleep next to Momo as their master is more than four hundred kilometres away from them all, drinking tea in Ba Sing Se.

Zuko knew it was best to not panic and go on with the mission.

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