Chapter 6: The puppetmaster

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Reminder: None of the gifs, art or any images belong to me. Credits to the original owners.

Third person POV:

Saori faced the moon as she mumbled under her breath. "Yue.."

The ground under her slipped as she fell onto water but, she didn't sink, getting up, the sorcerer saw the moon spirit before getting a smack on the back of her head.


Yue engulfed the sorcerer in a hug as the spirit scolded Saori. "I told you to visit often! You disappeared after the bringing Zhao and appear months later! You deserved it."

"Sorry, I was busy."

Pulling away Yue smiled. "I'm going to guide you with your abilities from now on."

Saori's eyes lightly widened in delight as the corners of her lips twitched upwards before going back to normal. "Really? When was it decided?"

"A few weeks ago, roughly around the time Aang woke up. Now go, you have to take care of them." Yue shooed Saori off.

Saori's body flickered as she vanished, appearing next to Sokka who let out a scream.

Time skip

"Hello children." A voice spoke as the four clung onto an unimpressed Saori.

"Sorry to frightened you, my name is Hama, you children shouldn't be out in the forest all by yourselves at night, I have an inn nearby, why don't you come back there for some spice tea and warm beds?"

"Yes please.." Sokka gave a nervous grin.

Hama smiled and turned around as the five followed after her, she led them to her inn and poured them tea for them.

"Thanks for letting us stay for tonight, you have a lovely inn." Katara complemented.

"Aren't you sweet." Hama smiled. "You know you should be careful, people have been disappearing in those woods you were camping in."

"What do you mean disappearing?" Sokka asked.

"When the moon turns full, people walk in and they don't come out." Hama looked down. "Who wants more tea?"

The five silently stared at the old woman as she assured. "Don't worry, you'll all be completely safe here, why don't I show you to your rooms and you can get a good night's rest?"

Time skip

Saori held a basket of fruits as she stood next to Katara as Hama turned back to them.

"That man seems to have eyes for you, you could go back and see if he gives you some free kimodo sausages." Saori looked back to the old shop owner.

"You would have me to use my feminine charms to take advantage of that poor man?" Hama asked the sorcerer. "I think you and I are going to get along swimmingly." She smiled.

"Why don't you all take those things back to the inn?" Hama offered. "I just have to run a couple more errands, I'll be back in a little while."

"This is a mysterious little town you have here." Sokka told the woman.

"Mysterious town for mysterious children."

Time skip

"That Hama seems a little strange." Sokka commented as Saori gave him a nod in agreement. "Like she knows something. Or she's hiding something"

"That's ridiculous, she's a nice woman who took in and gave us a place to stay, she kinda reminds me of gran gran." Katara spoke.

"But what did she mean by that comment? Mysterious town for mysterious children."

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