Chapter 5: Zuko alone

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(a/n): I couldn't wait to write this chapter.

Third person POV:

"What are you doing here?" Zuko walked to the sorcerer.

"Did you really think I stay in one place?"

"Call it what you will, Saori. Fate, destiny-"

"A spirit." Saori cut him off. "Look at that poor ostrich horse. What did you do to it?"

"It's just tried."

"It's half dead." Saori walked to the animal. "I'll take care off it if you do me a favor."

"I'm listening."

"Refill my water bag." She held out a pouch. "There is an oasis a few meters west."


Time skip

Zuko came back to the ostrich horse rubbing against Saori's face as she lightly scratched it's head.

"There is a small village nearby, prince Zuko. If you wish, you can tag along."

The Zuko sat on the animal as Saori stood next to him.

The prince held out a hand which Saori stared at before taking it and climbing onto the ostrich horse.

They arrived at the village as Saori walked to a shop.

"May I have two bags of feed and one meal? How much would that be?" She opened her purse.

"Ten copper pieces."

Saori gave the man the required amount and closed her purse.

"Coming right up." The shopkeeper went inside.

Zuko stood next to the girl when two kids hid behind the counter and threw egs at the nearby soldiers.

"Hey!" One of the soldiers shouted as he walked to the two teenagers. "You two throwing eggs at us strangers?"

"Do I look like someone lowlife who throws eggs?" Saori raised an eyebrow.

"You see who did throw it?"

"No." Zuko answered.

"The egg had to come from somewhere."

"Maybe a chicken flew over." Zuko turned to them, his hand on his sword.

One of the soldiers laughed at the remark but quickly shut himself up.

"You two better leave town, penlty is a lot steeper than you two can afford, strangers." His hand patted for his hammer. "Trust me."

The soldiers walked away as Saori rolled her eyes.

"Those soldiers are supposed to protect us from the fire nation, but they're just a bunch of thugs." The shopkeeper told Saori.

Saori nodded as the two walked back to the ostrich horse.

"Thanks for not ratting me out!" A kid jumped from behind.

Saori cringed at the kid as the two got onto the animal.

"I'll take you to my house and feed your ostrich horse for you." He offered. "Come on, I owe you."

Time skip

"Suppers going to be ready soon. Would you two like to stay?" The woman asked the teenagers.

"I can't, I should to be moving on." Zuko refused.

"I would love to but, I have my own duties." Saori shrugged.

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