Chapter 10: The drill

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(a/n): fun fact, the author does not reread any chapters.

Third person POV:

"I'm gonna meet Ty lee again." Saori smirked.

"Do you like her?" Sokka raised an eyebrow.

"I respect her a lot. More than all of you combined."


Time skip

"Everyone into the hole." Toph commanded as they all went in.

"It's so dark down here." Sokka commented. "I can't see a thing."

"Oh no, what a nightmare." Toph sarcastically remarked.


The five jumped out the tunnel as Aang launched them into the drill.

"Toph come on!" Sokka stuck his head out.

"No way I'm going into that metal monster, I can't bend in there, I'll try and slow it down out here."

"Okay, good luck."

Saori and Sokka walked forward as Katara and Aang followed behind.

"I need a plan of this machine, some schematics that show what the inside looks like." Sokka looked around. "Then we can find it's weak points."

"Were are we going to get something like that?" Aang asked.

Saori took Sokka's club and broke a random pipe, releasing gas.

"What are you doing? Someone's gonna hear us!" Aang exclaimed.

"That's the point." Saori scoffed. "A machine this big needs engineers to run it and when something breaks-"

"They come to fix it." Katara completed Saori's sentence.

The four hid in random places when a man came to fix the pipe. Saori made the gas condensate and freezed the man in place.

Sokka snatched the map from his hand as they all ran away.

"It looks like the drill is made up of two main structures, the inner mechanism where we are now and the outer shell. The inner part and the outer part are connected by these braces, if we cut through them, the entire thing will collapse." Sokka explained.

Time skip

"Wow, it looks a lot thicker in person than in the map. We're going to have to work pretty hard to cut through that." Sokka looked at the braces.

"What's this 'we' stuff?" Katara crossed her arms. "Aang, Saori and I are going to have to do all the work."

"Look, I'm the plan guy, you three are the cut stuff up with waterbending guys. Together we're team Avatar!"

Time skip

"This is bad, really bad." Katara spoke.

"We're putting everything we've got into busting these braces but it's taking too long!" Sokka stated.

"Maybe we don't have to cut it all the way through." Aang thought out loud. "Toph has been teaching me that you shouldn't give one hundred percent of your energy to any one strick, Sokka, take a fighting stance. You've gotta be quick and accurate, hit a series of points and break your opponent's stance, and when he's reeling back, you deliver the final blow." Aang hit Sokka's head, making him fall. "His own weight becomes his downfall, literally."

"Do we just need to weaken the braces instead of cutting all the way through." Katara turned to Saori who nodded.

"Then I'll go to the top of this thing and deliver the final blow."

"And boom! It all comes crashing down!"

"Everyone inside that wall, the whole world is counting on us."

"The whole world minus the fire nation that is."

Time skip

A shot of blue fire barely missed Saori as she saw who was the one who sent it. "Princess. And Ty lee"

"Wow Azula! You were right! It is the Avatar....and friends." Ty lee smirked at Saori.

"Is something going on between you two?" Sokka asked the sorcerer who dragged him away from the firebender.

Saori tossed her water bag to Aang who caught it. "Use it."

The three ran out the drill as Ty lee and Mai followed them while Azula followed Aang.

"Slurry pipe? What does that mean?" Katara looked it.

"It's a combination of rock and water." Saori answered.

"It is also our way out." Sokka looked in.

The three jumped inside as Mai and Ty lee stopped momentarily.

The trio fell out the drill as Sokka thrashed around like a child.

Saori pulled the two up as Ty lee appeared in the slurry.

The waterbenders stopped the water and rock mix, trapping Ty lee inside it.

"Why don't you try and block my chi now circus freak." Katara spat.

"Oi." Saori warned her.

Katara rolled her eyes as the two held the slurry from coming out.

"Keep that up! The pressure will build up in the drill, then when Aang delivers the final blow it will be ready to pop!" Sokka exclaimed.

"Good technique Saori and little sister, keep it up! Don't forget to breath!" Sokka tried to motivate the two waterbenders.

"You know, I'm just about sick and tired of you telling me what to do all day, you're like a chattering hog monkey!" Katara yelled at her brother.

"JUST BEND THE SLURRY WOMAN!" Sokka shouted as Katara knocked him back with her free hand.

"You guys need some help?" Toph walked to the two benders.

"Toph, help us plug up this drain." Katara instructed.

Toph bended the rocks in the slurry back as Ty lee went inside the drill.

About ten minutes passed as Toph announced to the three. "Here it comes!" She bended a platform up as the slurry overflowed.

The mixture washed Ty lee against the pillar on which the four stood and the drill shut down.

Time skip

"I just want to say, good effort team Avatar." Sokka spoke.

"Enough with the team Avatar stuff, no matter how many times you say it, it's not going to catch on." Katara placed her hands on her waist.

"How about, the boomeraang squad?" Sokka pulled out his boomerang. "See it's good because it's got Aang in it, boomerAANG."

"I kind of like that one." Aang gave a light shrug.

"Let's talk about this on our way into the city." Katara suggested as they all walked away from the ledge.

"The Aang gang?" Sokka asked.

"Sokka." Katara huffed.

"There fearsome fivesome!"

"You're crazy." Toph pointed.

"Why? we're fearsome." Sokka ran to catch up with the rest.

Published- 25th May 2022
1000< Words

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