Chapter 11: City of walls and secrets

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(a/n): I'm thinking about getting Saori and Zuko to go on a date.

Third person POV:

"Look the inner wall!" Katara spoke, breaking the silence. "I can't believe we finally made it to Ba Sing Se in one piece."

"Hey don't Jinx it!" Sokka stopped her. "We can still be attacked by some giant exploding fire nation spoon or find out the city's been submerged in an ocean full of killed shrimp."

"You been hitting the cactus juice again?" Toph asked.

"I'm just saying, weird stuff happens to us."

Time skip

The second Saori stepped off the train a spirit flew to her and dropped a scroll in her hand. Opening it up she found a massive list of spirit names.

"Oh Kami.."

Sokka peered into the scroll. "That's a lot. Right?" He turned to the girl.

"It is."

A creepy looking lady stared at the gang not blinking. She walked to them before introducing herself. "Hello, my name is Jo Dee, I have been given the great honor of showing the avatar around Ba Sing Se. And you must be Saori, Sokka, Katara and Toph. Welcome to our wonderful city! Shall we get started?"

"Yes, we have information about the fire nation army that we need to deliver to the Earth king immediately." Sokka spoke.

"Great! Let's begin our tour, then I'll show you to your new home here, I think you'll like it."

"I already have a house of my own." Saori informed the woman. "And I shall be staying there."

"Maybe you missed what I said, we need to talk to the king about the war, its important." Sokka walked to Jo Dee.

"You're in Ba Sing Se now, everyone is safe here."

Time skip

"This is the lower ring." Jo dee stated.

"What's that wall for?" Katara looked out the window.

"Oh, Ba Sing Se has many walls there are others protecting us and the ones inside help maintain order." Jo dee answered. "This is where our newest arrivals live, as well as our craftsmen and artisans. People who work with their hands, it's so quaint and lively."

"You do want to watch your step though." The woman completed.

"Why do they have all these poor people blocked off in one part of the city?" Katara asked.

Time skip

"This is the middle ring of Ba Sing Se, home to the financial district, shops and restaurants and the university."

"Yeah, we met a professor from Ba Sing Se University." Sokka told the woman. "He took us to an ancient underground library where we discovered information about the war that is absolutely crucial fro the king to hear!"

"Isn't history fascinating?" Jo dee smiled. "Look! Here is one of the oldest buildings in the middle ring, town hall."

Jo dee got off the carriage.

"Is that woman deaf? She only seems to hear every other word I say."

"It's called being handled Sokka." Saori turned to him.

"Get used to it." Toph folded her arms.

Time skip

"The upper ring is home to our most important citizens, miss Saori's house and your house is not to far from here." Jo Dee spoke with a smile.

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