Part 15

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I returned home around 9:30 and tried my best to be quiet as I opened the front door. On my way to close it, my cat, smurfy, ran out. It made a big slam when it closed. I regretted coming in by the doorway instantly. My father rushed down the stairs. "Where were you? It's a school night!" He scolded. "I'm sorry dad I was out." I explained. "With who? Angie?" "Yea and some other people." I said as I hung my purse on the door and threw the car keys on the counter. "Other people?" he questioned. "Yes dad, I have other friends." I started to get annoyed. "oh Per, you know what I mean. Who were these other people? Were they boys?" this started to feel like an interrogation, so I lied. I love my dad, but he is a stick up my ass most of the time.

"No just other girls from the debate club. Don't worry about it. I'm going to get ready for bed now. Goodnight." I ran up the stairs and gave him a goodnight kiss. I walked to my room and shut the door. I started to change into sweats and a t-shirt. I checked my dad was asleep, and then facetimed Angie.

The conversation went a little like this:

Angie: Hey girl!

Me: hey

Angie: how was the ride home?

Me: fine I guess

Angie: tell me what's on your mind, Peri, I'm not stupid.

Me: I might like paul

Angie: really?! That's great!

Me: I barely know him I don't know please don't tell anyone

Angie: I wouldn't ever, you know that. So me and Danny have been texting ever since he left. I think he likes me!!

Me: I'm so happy for you An.

Angie: this is all thanks to you. Shit, Charlie's coming (her little brother) I'll text you.

I set down my phone on the counter. As I was putting my hair into a braid, my phone started to vibrate again. It was a number I've never seen before. It started with 407, which is Maryland zipcode, but the rest I didn't know. I answered it for some unknown reason.


"Heyyy girl hey" *background laughs*

"Who is this?"

"Its Paul. Danny's bunking at my house tonight and he might have had a little too much Nutella."

*laughs* "Don't let him do anything stupid. But hey. I was just getting ready to uhm..."

"Getting ready to what? Go to sleep?"

"No I was just getting ready to... lay in bed and watch Netflix and eat"

"Girl, I do that every night" *high pitched laughing/exorcist sounds*

"Haha that sass tho" *phone falls* *I scream* *line goes dead*

I had tripped on a hanger on my floor and fell to the ground. I then got an incoming text from Paul.

Paul: are you okay? Did you get held hostage? Are you dying? REPLY BACK A SMILEY FACE IF YOU'RE DYING

Me: I'm okay. I think I broke my ankle though ahah I'm clumsy af

He replied back a laughing face and then I decided to go to sleep. I'm going to get an earful tomorrow for ditching. Let's hope tomorrow isn't that bad.

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