Chapter 1

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I tie my long blonde hair into a French braid before sitting at my desk and going through my messages. It was my 21st birthday and the amount of messages I was getting through was ridiculous.

"Hey!" I hear my best friend, Emily, exclaim as I smile and turn to her.
"Hey." I reply as she hugs me.
"Happy birthday!" She exclaims again as I roll my eyes.

You see, Emily is a very happy, bubbly person. She gets excited all the time and she always manages to put a smile on anyone's face.

"Thanks, Em." I reply as she smiles.
"Are you ready to go out tonight? Sam has managed to score us 5 tickets to the most exclusive club." She says as I shrug.
"Sam can get us in anywhere but, I guess I'm ready. Is it me, you, Sam, Jade and Paul tonight?" I ask as Emily nods.
"Yep so be ready for 5. Sam's picking us up after he picks up Jade and Paul." Emily ays as I smile and nod.


By 5pm, I was ready. I was wearing a silver mini dress, some silver heels and some bracelets. I did my hair in a half up, half down, curly style and put on some natural makeup. Before I leave my room, I put on my favourite necklace and grab my phone, making my way down to meet Emily and Sam at the door.

"You look beautiful!" Emily squeals as Sam hugs me and takes Emily's hand.

In our small group of 5, there are 2 couples. Emily and Sam and Jade and Paul. Poor little me has been single for about 4 years.

Sam parks in a car park near the club before we get in line to get in,

Once we were at the front of the line, we handed in our tickets before making our way inside the club. The music was blasting and there were people everywhere dancing or drinking or dancing and drinking. 

Jade buys the first round of shots before pulling Emily and I to dance while Sam and Paul get us some more drinks. We dance together before I see a guy across the rom watching me dance.

I smile and carry on dancing with ym friends while feeling his eyes on me the whole time.

"Stevie, that guy is totally checking you out." Jade shouts over the music as I blush and smile.
"And he's cute." Emily adds on as I roll my eyes.
"Talk to him." Jade says grabbing my arms and pulling me over to the guy, "This is Stevie." She says before going back to Emily.
"Uh, hi." I say as he smiles.
"Stevie?" He questions as I blush.
"Stephanie, actually but everyone calls me Stevie." I reply as he smiles.
"I'm Nathan." He replies as I shake his hand.

Once we'd introduced ourselves, Paul brings me a drink as I smile and thank him.

"Is that your boyfriend?" He asks as I shake my head.
"God no. He's one of my friends boyfriend." I say as Nathan smiles.
"So, where's your boyfriend?" He asks as I shrug.
"Probably sleeping around like he did when we were together 4 years ago." I say, playing with my hands as Nathan smile fades.
"Are you okay?" he asks as I nod and smile.
"Yeah..." I trail off before we decide to get to know each other more.

As the night goes on, we order more and more drinks, getting more and more drunk before he invites me back to his place...


A/N: Chapter 1 of the 9 Months rewrite. It's crappy, I know but I hope it will get better soon.


Love Y'all!

Cee x

9 Months - NS - AU - RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now