Chapter 6

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~ 2nd Month ~

Today was the day of the first scan. Nathan and I were currently laid in his bed, talking about the baby. We were due at the hospital at 3pm and right now it was 11am.

Nathan wrapped his arms round my waist and pulled me close for a cuddle as I smiled and cuddle him back.

"What's with you being so cuddly today?" I ask as Nathan chuckles.
"I'm tired." He replies as I kiss his forehead, making him raise an eyebrow at me.
"What?" I ask as he smiles and nuzzles his face into my side.
"That's my job." He mumbles as I giggle.
"I don't care." I reply as he kisses my side.
"Come on. Let's get up." He says as I smile and nod.

I grab my stuff and rush into the bathroom before Nathan so I can take a shower first.

"Goddamn it Stevie!" He groans as I open the door and poke my tongue out at him.

I shut and lock the door before taking a shower and sorting myself out. Once I was done, I wrap a towel around myself and my hair before brushing my teeth and towel drying my hair. I quickly get dressed in a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a lacey black crop top. I then grab my bag and allow Nathan to use his en suite, ruffling his har as I walk past him.

I sit on the bed and brush through my hair before deciding to leave it down. Once I'd done that, I put on my black heels before grabbing my makeup bag and putting on natural makeup. If you're wondering about my bag, I'd slept at Nathan's last night. We thought it'd be easier if we went to the hospital straight form his since it's in the opposite direction of my place.

Once Nathan comes out of the bathroom, I was ready ad we made our way down the stairs to grab something to eat before we started to make pour way to the hospital.


We arrived at the hospital at 2.30 and sat in the car for a few minutes. I took a deep breath as Nathan held my hand and squeezed slightly.

"Are you nervous?" He asks as I nod.
"What if something's wrong or the baby isn't actually there?" I ask as Nathan kisses my hand.
"I'll still love you the same but, don't worry. The baby will be healthy and it will be there. I promise." Nathan says as I smile and squeeze his hand.

We make our way into the hospital waiting area after signing in. We only waited for about 5 minutes before being called into the room to start the scan. Nathan holds my hand as the nurse looks for the heartbeat.

Once hearing the heartbeat, the nurse shows us the screen and shows us the baby.

"So, as I can see, you're at the 7 week mark." She says as my grip on Nathan's hand tightens, "You and your baby are very very healthy and the pregnancy is going well so far." The nurse says as I nod.
"How early can we know the gender?" I ask as she smiles.
"We can do another scan in 5 weeks time for an early gender scan. These are usually 90% accurate." She says as I look at Nathan.
"Do you want to?" I ask him as he nods, "Can we book that in?" I ask as she nods and writes it down in her diary before typing it into the computer.
"So, your next appointment will be at the 12 week mark and we'll see you then." She says before handing us an envelope with our pictures inside as i smile and thanks her.

Nathan takes my hand as we make our way back to the car, Once we get in the car, I get the pictures out as Nathan and I smile at them.

"Since we'll know the gender early, shall we pick out names?" Nathan asks as I smile and nod.
"How about, you do girl names and I do boy?" I ask as Nathan smiles and nods.
"Sure. Sounds good." He says as we start the journey back to his place.

Once we get back to his place, we sit in the living room.

"I have a name for if it's a girl..." Nathan trails off as I smile and nod, "Aaliyah." Nathan says as I smile.
"I like that. Any middle names?" I ask as Nathan shrugs.
"I was thinking Haze?" Nathan questions as I smile.
"Aaliyah Haze Sykes..." I trail off, "I like that." I add on as Nathan smiles.
"Do you have any names for a boy?" Nathan asks as I shrug.
"Elijah Flynn." I say as Nathan kisses me softly.
"I like that too." He says as I smile and kiss him again.
"Then we have our names." I say as Nathan pulls me into a cuddle, laying me down on the sofa in front of him.

He wraps his arms round my waist from behind as I smile and hold his hands.

I think I'm falling in love with the idea of having the baby.

And with Nathan.

I am definitely falling in love...

...With Nathan.

9 Months - NS - AU - RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now