Chapter 17

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~ 3 Months Later ~

Today was the day of Emily and Sam's wedding. I was stood in the bridal suite with Jade and Emily as Emily checked herself over in the mirror for the 4th time.

"Em, you look stunning. Don't worry too much. Everything will go fine." Jade says as I agree.
"Everything will be amazing, Em." I say as she nods and s=takes a deep breath as we hear the car beep for us.

Emily nods as we leave the rom and make our way to the car, climbing in together.

Once we make it to the church, Emily steps out before Jade and I before we take our places and enter the church.

Jade was the first to walk in and then it was me. I smiled at Nathan as he held Aaliyah on his knee, allowing her to wave at me as I waved back. We decided that Aaliyah wouldn't be the flower girl since she was only 2 and Emily had asked her cousin's daughter to do it instead, as she was 6.

I make it to the front and take my place as it was now Emily's turn to walk down the aisle. I look at Sam as he smiles at his bride while wiping away a few tears that had escaped.

Emily makes it to the front before the vicar starts the ceremony.


Once Emily and Sam shared their first kiss as husband and wife, they walked down the aisle together before we all filed out for pictures.

Once the pictures were done, Aaliyah ran up to me and gave me a cuddle as Nathan came over and kissed me softly. I kissed him back before carrying Aaliyah to the car and putting her in her car seat before making our way to the after party.

When we get to the after party, Nathan gets Aaliyah out as I meet up with Jade and have a quick chat about the v=ceremony.

Soon enough, we're all ushered inside as Emily and Sam arrive.

"Please welcome Mr and Mrs Samuel Greene!" The DJ announces as we all cheer and applaud 2 of my best friends.

Emily comes up and gives me a hug as I hug her back.

"Congratulations Mrs. Greene." I say as she laughs.
"Please. Just call me Emily." She says, making me laugh.
"You're too cute, Em." I say as she hugs me again.
"You're the cutest, Stevie." She says as we pull out of the hug and she goes to see Jade.

Nathan joins me with Aaliyah before passing her over to me as I hold her close, letting her cuddle me as Nathan arm goes round my waist.

"That'll be us in a couple years." Nathan says as I smile.
"I know. I can't wait to finally be Mrs. Sykes." I say as Nathan smiles and kisses my forehead.
"I can't wait for you to Mrs. Sykes either." He says as I smile and kiss him softly.

Soon it was time for Emily and Sam's first dance as we all stood around and watched them dance together. They looked so in love and I was so happy for them both. I loved them both so much and they loved each other so much more.

"I was thinking about dying my hair." I say to Nathan as he frowns.
"Why?" He asks as I shrug.
"I'm sick of being blonde. I was gonna go brown and see if it suits me. I know I'm naturally blonde but, I don't know if I wanna keep it like this." I say as Nathan wraps his arm round my waist again.
"I like your blonde hair. Plus, it matches Aaliyah because she's blonde." Nathan says as I shrug.
"I'll think about it later." I say as Nathan nods and hugs me from behind as I hold Aaliyah at the front.


Once the day was over, Nathan and I took a sleeping Aaliyah to bed before going into our room and getting ready for bed. Once we were in bed, we cuddled for a bit.

"I love you, Stevie." Nathan says as I smile and nuzzle my head into his chest.
"I love you too, Nathan." I reply as he kisses the top of my head.
"Can I ask you something?" Nathan says as I nod and pull away.
"Anything." I say as he smiles.
"After we're married and Aaliyah is in school, do you wanna maybe, have another baby?" He asks as I smile.
"Of course I would, Nathan." I say as he smiles.
"Really?" He asks, "You want to?" He adds on as I nod and smile.
"Yeah, of course. Once we're married, I'll be 26, you'll be 27 and then Aaliyah will start school the year after and then we can start thinking about another baby." I say as he smiles.
"Make our family a little bigger." He says as I nod.
"Did you feed Goldie?" I ask as Nathan nods.
"Yeah. While you were putting Ali in her pyjamas, I fed Goldie and then came up." Nathan replies as I nod and smile.
"Goodnight, Nathan."
"Goodnight, Stevie."

9 Months - NS - AU - RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now