Chapter 18

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~ 1 Year Later ~

I stand with Nathan, Emily, Sam and Aaliyah as we applaud Jade and Paul, walking down the aisle together. Nathan and I were sue to be married in about 2 years time and I couldn't wait, Aaliyah was finally in the prefect nursery to get her ready leading up to her starting school in the next 2 years and she loved it, so i knew that Nathan and I had made a good choice on where to send her.

"Doesn't she look beautiful?" I hear Emily say as I nod.
"Stunning" I trail off as Nathan arm wraps around my waist.
"I think you'll look better." He whispers in my ear as I blush and smile at him.
"Shh." I reply as He kisses me softly.
"Are we going to the after party still?" Nathan asks as I shake my head.
"I'm not feeling to good today." I say as Nathan nods and keeps his arm wrapped securely round my waist as we got to talk to Jade and explain that we won't be at the party.


Nathan and I finally made it home before putting Aaliyah in her travel cot, allowing her to sleep a little. Nathan sat on the sofa and allowed me to lay my head on his lap.

"Are you still feeling icky?" He asks as I giggle.
"A little. I'm okay though. My head hurts but I'm good. I think I'm just tired." I say as Nathan nods.
"Probably. You haven't been sleeping well recently and while Ali's been at nursery, you've been working hard on the wedding planning. I know I work a lot and I'm not here much and I'm sorry." Nathan says as I lean up and kiss him.
"But when you are here, you help out with Ali and with the wedding planning. You do as much as you can when you're here. You work hard, Nath. You work really goddamn hard and I know its stressful and I know that you are trying your best everyday to provide for our family. You don't need to apologise for that." I say as Nathan leans down and kisses me again.
"I love you." He says as I smile.
"I love you too."


Later on that night, Nathan put Ali to bed as I cooked tea for us both. I was feeling a little belter after having a nap and Nathan was such a sweetheart, taking care of me.

Soon enough, I feel a pair of arms wrap round my waist and pair of lips on my neck as I giggle and turn around. I smile and wrap my arms round Nathan's neck, allowing him to kiss me softly as I kiss him back.

"I'm not hungry." He whispers as I smile and roll my eyes.
"You always say that." I say as he raises and eyebrow at me, "You always say that you're not hungry and then you clear your plate and pass out upstairs." I say as he keeps an eyebrow raised.
"Oh really?" He asks as I nod and turn back around.

Quickly, he turns to cooker off and throws me over his shoulder.

"Nathan, put me down." I say giggling as he runs up the stairs with me, "Nathan." I say before he closes the bedroom door and lays me on the bed, kissing me softly.
"Tonight, Stevie.,," He trails off, starting to kiss my neck, "I. Am. Not. Hungry." He say in between kisses as I let out a small moan for him.


A/N: Hey guys! I know this is short but my writer's block is being a bitch again. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!

Love y'all!

Cee x

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