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After Nathan and I had found out that we couldn't have another baby, we started to loo at our options. I mean, Aaliyah was so excited to have a baby brother or sister and it killed me that I couldn't give her that.

"Surrogacy is gonna cost way too much, Nathan." I ay as he frowns.
"Adoption? I mean, you were adopted so we could take that route and give an unfortunate child the life they deserve?" Nathan suggest as I shrug.
"That's not such a bad idea. IVF might be a good idea too" I say before sighing, "I just know that we really want this, Nath." I say, letting my eyes fill with tears.
"Hey. Stevie. Don't cry. Everything will be okay. We will have another baby. I don't care what that doctor says. You're perfectly healthy. If you really want to, we will try the IVF route. We will have another baby." Nathan says as I sigh.
"Stevie, we'll be fine. I promise." Nathan says as I smile and kiss him softly.
"I love you." I say as Nathan kisses me again.
"I love you too."

9 Months - NS - AU - RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now