Chapter 25

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~ 2 Months Later ~

Nathan and I have been trying for a baby for the past 2 months but every test was coming back negative. Aaliyah was now 4 and we had told her that we wanted to give her a brother or sister and she was excited. The only problem was, I wasn't falling pregnant.

"Are we doing something wrong?" I ask as Nathan shakes his head.
"Maybe we just need to wait a little bit longer," Nathan suggests as I shrug.
"Maybe." I reply as Nathan shrugs.
"We could speak to a doctor?" Nathan asks as I nod and we make an emergency appointment before getting ready.

Aaliyah was currently at nursery and wouldn't be finished until after the appointment so we still had time before we picked her up.

Once Nathan and I got to the doctors, they saw us within 5 minutes.

"So what seems to be the problem?" The doctor asks as we explain that we've been trying for a baby but I couldn't fall pregnant.

We went through all of the questions and procedures before the doctor informed us that he will be in contact in the next few days with any news he could tell us as we thanked him and left.

Nathan dropped me off at home before going to pick up Ali as I sighed and laid on the sofa, thinking.

What if there was something wrong with me? What if we were doing something wrong? What if the news was bad new? Would Nathan stay with me if we can't have a baby? Of course he'd stay with me. He loves me no matter what, right?

~ 4 days later ~

My phone starts ringing as I check to see it was the doctors. Nathan was at work and Aaliyah was at nursery. I answered the call and listened to what the doctor had to say before thanking him and hanging up the phone.

As soon as I placed my phone down, I burst into tears.

"Hey. Why are you crying?" I hear Nathan's voice as I look up at him through my tears.
"The doctor just called me..." I trail off.
"And?" He asks as I shake my head.
"We can't have another baby."


A/N: Hey guys. SO this is just a filler chapter because the next one is gonna be the epilogue. I will be making a sequel to this story. It will be up in the next couple of days once I've finished this one and then when this one is finished, I will be starting another rewrite.

Also, updates will be slow because I have cataracts in both eyes and I'm currently waiting for surgery so please bear with me.

Love Y'all

 ~ Cee x

9 Months - NS - AU - RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now