Chapter 21

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~ 1 Month later ~

"I'm off to work now. Are you gonna be okay here with Ali while I'm gone?" Nathan asks as I nod and give him a quick kiss, "I'll be back in a few hours. Take care of yourself." He says as I smile and nod.

About 2 weeks after the wedding, Nathan and I lost our second baby. We were upset but at the same time, we took it as a sign from the universe telling us that we weren't ready for another baby yet and carried on as usual, since that's all we could do.

Ali was in her play area in the living room while I was laid on the sofa, watching whatever I'd put on for Ali as she laid in her play area and watched the TV.

"Mummy, can I come up?" I hear Ali say as I smile and nod, picking her up and laying her on the sofa with me.
"Are you okay?" I ask he as she nods and cuddles into me.
"Tired." She mumbles as I cuddle her and allow her to fall asleep in my arms.

I kiss her forehead before slowly falling asleep with her...


When I wake up, Ali wasn't in my arms anymore and I'm not on the sofa with her. I turn to see Nathan sat before me, playing a game on his phone.

"Hey." I say as he looks at me and smiles.
"I put Ali in bed and brought you up here so you could rest properly. I know you've been exhausted recently." Nathan says as i kiss him softly.
"Yeah. Ali goes back to nursery next week." I say as Nathan smiles and nods.
"Is everything ready for her to go back?" Nathan asks as I nod.
"Yeah. Her uniform is folded away in the cupboard and her shoes are with them." I say as Nathan kisses my forehead.
"Good. You should rest some more." Nathan says as I smile and pull him down with me.
"Only if you rest too." I say as he smiles and nods.
"Of course." He says as I smile and cuddle into him.

We laid down together before Nathan wrapped his arms round my waist and kissed the top of my head. I smiled and cuddled into his chest, letting him hold me tighter.

I love spending moments like this with Nathan. He was sweetest and I loved being able to lay in silence and cuddle him peacefully. The moments where it's just the two of us and we can just be completely silent and enjoy each others company. Even when Aaliyah is with us. Family moments. I love those.


The next morning, I wake up beside Nathan. I see that he's still asleep before sighing and getting up to check on Aaliyah, who was awake.

I take her downstairs before making her breakfast. I then make my own breakfast and sit at the table with Aaliyah, letting her talk about her dream.

"Mornin'." I hear Nathan says as I turn to him and smile.
"Good morning." I say as he kisses my forehead and gets himself some breakfast.
"Sleep well?" Nathan asks as I nod.
"Yeah, you?" I reply as he nods and sits beside me with a cup of tea and some toast.

Once Aaliyah had finished her breakfast, I cleaned up after her and sat back down at the table with Nathan, allowing Aaliyah to play in her room. 

Nathan took hold of my hand and kissed my knuckles softly.

"So, it's been a month of calling you my wife..." Nathan trails off against my knuckles as I smile at him, "And I have a surprise tonight." He adds on as I smile again.
"Oh, really?" I say as he smiles at me.
"My mum is going to look after Ali for us so we can finally have a night to ourselves since she was born." Nathan says running his hand up my thigh.
"Nath..." I trail off as he kisses my neck softly.
"We can finally finish watching that show you love..." He whispers in my ear as I push him away.
"Nathan!" I exclaim as he laughs, "Don't tease me like that!"
"You didn't let me finish." He says as I cross my arms.
"No because you're being so mean." I pout as he kisses me softly.

I kiss him back before getting up from the table to make a drink. While I was waiting for the kettle to boil, I feel Nathan pin me to the counter, kissing up my neck again.

"Let. Me. Finish." He says in between kisses as I moan in response, "After we finish that show you like, we can go to bed and I'm gonna make you forget your own name." He groans in my ear before biting my neck and leaving me stood Infront of the kettle, speechless.


Aaliyah is definitely going to Karen's tonight.

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