Chapter 22

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After we had dropped Aaliyah off at Karen's last night, Nathan and I watched that show I liked. Well, actually, I watched that show I liked because Nathan had fallen asleep early. Later that night, I didn't forget my name either. Nathan had slept through most of the night and I couldn't sleep.

"Mornin' love." I hear from beside me as I turn and smile at Nathan.
"Hey. You fell asleep early last night." I say as Nathan groans.
"Shit. I know. I'm sorry." He says as I kiss him soflty.
"Don't be." I reply as Nathan kisses me again.
"You don't realise how much a 3 year old tires you out until they're not here." Nathan says as I shrug.
"That's because you're not used to it." I say as Nathan looks at me confused.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks as I shrug.
"You're just not used to her tiring you out." I say, "I don't mean it in a bad way, Nathan. You work long hours sometimes and I look after Ali. When you look after a 3 year old, most of the time, you get used to it." I say as Nathan rolls his eyes.
"I have to work to provide for our family, Stevie! You can't expect me to stop working..." Nathan trails off.
"When did I ever mention expecting you to stop working?" I ask as Nathan rolls his eyes again, "Nathan, if I wanted you to stop working, I would've told you.." I say as Nathan gets out of bed and starts getting dressed.
"I'm sorry that I don't help out as much as you like with my daughter." Nathan says as I grab his hand and pull him to sit down.

I place my hands on his face and look into his eyes.

"Stop it, Nathan. Stop." I say as he diverts his eyes away from my face, "Look at me." I say.
"What?" He says as I kiss him softly.
"I know you need to work to provide for our family but slow down and think for a minute. I'm not saying anything bad, okay? Because you work long hours, you're not used to having Ali tire you out. So, just calm down. I..." I trail off, "Please..."

Nathan sighs and puts his head in his hands.

"Stevie..." He trails off, "I'm sorry." He says, looking up at me as I kiss him softly.
"Don't apologise."


Later that day, we bought Ali home before getting her ready for bed. Once she was settled in bed and I had read her to sleep, Nathan and I sat in the living room, watching something that he had chosen.

"So, Ali goes back to nursery in 4 days and I have the weekend off. Do you want to do something? Just the 3 of us?" Nathan asks as I smile.
"What do you have in mind?" I ask as Nathan shrugs.
"It's meant to be warm this weekend so maybe we can go to the beach on Saturday and go for a picnic Sunday?" Nathan suggests as I nod, "I mean, I'm working tomorrow but I have the weekend free." He says as I smile.
"That'd be fun and Ali would love it." I say as Nathan smiles and gives me a quick kiss.
"I know she would. She's always loved the beach." He mumbles against my lips as I smile and kiss him again.

We pulled away and continued to watch TV until we decided that we should go to bed, since we were both exhausted., For a while, I just laid in bed, thinking. Nathan was fast asleep and I just couldn't sleep. 

Soon enough Nathan cuddled into me, making me comfier than usual.

Eventually, I fell into a restful sleep.


A/N: Okay, I  know this is bad but anyway, its kind of a filler since it's so short. Anyway, enjoy!

Love Y'all!

~ Cee x

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