Chapter 23

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It was now Saturday and we were at the beach with Aaliyah. We were sat on the pier with some ice cream when Nathan speaks up.

"Have you ever thought about finding your real parents?" He asks as I shrug.
"Yeah. I've thought about it but I never pursued finding them because David and Janelle have always supported me since I was adopted by them. Even when Janelle passed away, David stuck by me..." I trail off, "My biological parents didn't want me, I mean, they didn't want me enough to even name me so, the orphanage named me." I add on as Nathan nods.
"I get that, I really do but I think I found your mum on Facebook." Nathan says as I now look at him.
"What do you mean?" I ask as he shrugs.
"I was just scrolling and I saw this page on Facebook so I took a look and on the members, there was a woman. She looked just like you." He says, "Her name Is Alice Jacobson." Nathan says as I shrug.
"So?" I ask as he shrugs too.
"I think you should try and find out if she's your mum, Stevie. I think it would be good for you." Nathan says as I frown.
"I don't want to know who my biological mother is. She didn't want me so I don't want her." I say as Nathan sighs.
"Fair enough. I just thought it's be nice to try and help you." He mumbles as I stay silent.

I didn't want to reply to that. Why should I contact or try to contact my biological mother when I have all I need with Nathan, Ali and David?

Throughout the day, we took Ali to the arcades and for a walk along the beach before finishing the day with fish and chips. Nathan and Ali sat at the table across from me, munching away happily while I ate in silence and slowly, thinking about what Nathan had said earlier about my biological mum.

"Stevie? Are you okay? You've barely touched your food." Nathan says as I nod and smile.
"Yeah. I'm good. Just thinking." I say as Nathan raises an eyebrow at me.
"About what?" He asks as I shrug.
"Ali's nursery." I say as Nathan nods and carries on eating, occasionally talking to Ali.

I pull out my phone and search for this Alice Jacobson that Nathan was talking about. 

Once I'd found her profile, I clicked the message button and sent her a message before quickly receiving a response.

S: Hi. I'm sorry to bother you but my husband saw your profile. I thought I'd send you a message because I'm adopted and I think you're my biological mother.
A: Um, hello. This is a shock since I never thought this day would come. If you're from Bloomday Orphanage for girls and you were born September 3rd then yes, I think I am your biological mother.
S:  Can we meet?
A: I'm free Monday. Is that good for you?
S: Monday is perfect. My husband will be at work, my daughter will be at nursery. I can meet you at Starbucks at 1?
A: Yes. That will be fine. See you then.

I don't reply after that and put my phone away before seeing that Nathan and Ali have finished and are waiting for me to finish eating.

"Stevie? Do you want to eat in the car? Someone is tired." Nathan says, motioning to Ali as I nod and we make our way to the car.

Nathan puts Ali in her car seat and sorts her out while I climb in and get myself sorted. Soon after I was sorted, Nathan climbs in and starts the journey home while I eat my food and stay silent all the way home. 

~ Monday ~

I was sat at Starbucks with my drink waiting for Alice to come. I didn't feel like I should call her mum because it would be weird and it wouldn't feel natural since I called Janelle mum since I could talk.

"Stephanie?" I hear someone say as I look and see her stood there.

She was beautiful and tall. She was blonde like me and hr eyes shone a bright blue. She was tanned and very well presented. She looked like a model.

"Um, just call me Stevie." I say as she holds out a hand, "Alice?" I ask as she nods and we shake hands.
"I would never have named you Stephanie." She says as I shrug.
"You didn't name me at all..." I tail off as she smiles softly and sympathetically.
"I would've named you Chesney but then again, Stephanie suits you." She says as I shrug again.
"So, why did you give me up?" I ask as she sighs.
"I knew this question was coming..." She trails off, "I was 16 when I fell pregnant with you and you were born just before I turned 17. I was just about the start college and I couldn;t afford you. Money had always been an issue in my life and I had to give you up because I knew I couldn't provide for you. I finihsed college, went on to university and now I'm a licenced therapist. and I wanted to keep you, believe me, I did but, my mother, your grandmother, she talked me out of it. I wish I never gave you up." She says as I sigh again.
"But you did..." I trail off.
"And I've regretted it since. I mean, look at you. You're absolutely gorgeous and you're smart. You're married, you have a daughter..." She trails off, "I wanted to part of that but I never can because you're technically not mine." She says as I give her a sympathetic smile. 
"Do I have any siblings?" I ask as she nods.
"Yes. You're biological father and I are married and you have 3 siblings. 2 girls and a boy. Samantha, Jade and Cameron." She says, showing me a photo of my siblings, "Cameron is the youngest, he's now 14, Samantha is the middle child, she's now 17 and Samantha is the oldest, she's now 19. You are now...?" She trails off.
"25." I finish for her as she nods.
"Yes. 25." She says.
"That means you're 41?" I ask as she nods.
"Yeah." She says as I nod, letting the conversation end there.

We spend a few more hours togehter before I pick Ali up at 3 and take her home.

When we get home, Nathan is already there and he smiles as I smile back. We sort out Ali's tea before putting her to bed and spending a bit of time together in the living room.

When we go to bed, Nathan wraps his arms round me and kisses the back of my neck softly.

"Did you have a good day?" He asks as I hum in response.
"Yeah. It wasn't too bad." I say as he nuzzles into my neck.
"What did you do today?" He ask as I shrug.
"Went to Starbucks with Emily and then picked up Ali so, not much." I lie as he nods.
"That sounds fun. Goodnight." He says as I sigh.

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