Chapter 15

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~ 1 year later ~

Nathan and I had been together for almost 2 years now and Aaliyah was 1. She could walk now and she can say a few words. Just the basics like mama, dada and dog. Yes, we still had Goldie and she loved Aaliyah more than anything in the world. Aaliyah was her best friend and Goldie was Aaliyah's best friend.

Nathan was currently working while I was playing with Aaliyah and Goldie in the living room. Goldie went to lay down while I sat with Aaliyah and read her a story. She preferred it when Nathan read to her but since he wasn't here, I did the best I could and read to her instead.

Soon enough, I heard Nathan come inside and walk into the living room.

"Dada." Aaliyah mumbles as I smile.
"Is daddy home?" I say as Nathan lifts her up and gives her a cuddle before giving me a quick kiss.
"What have you been doing today?" He asks as I smile.
"We've been playing with Goldie but then Goldie got bored and went to sleep instead." I say as Nathan looks at Goldie and smiles.
"Lazy doggie." He says, tickling Aaliyah as she giggles.
"I mean, we took her for a walk this morning and she's had a run around in the garden so she's tired." I say as Nathan smiles and kisses my forehead.
"I'm gonna take Aaliyah to the park tomorrow. Are you coming with Goldie?" He asks as I nod.
"Yeah. That'll be fun." I say as Nathan smiles, "Oh, I was thinking of enrolling Aaliyah into nursery in September." I say as Nathan turns to me.
"September? That's in like 4 months, Stevie. She's not even 2 yet." Nathan says as I shrug.
"I know but I need a job to help you pay the bills and Aaliyah should get an early start in education. It'll help her in the long run." I say as Nathan places Aaliyah down in her travel cot.
"I don't think that's a good idea, Stevie. We don't have the money to put her in nursery." Nathan says as I frown.
"Yes we do. You know I've been saving whatever money I have for Aaliyah's nursery fund." I argue as Nathan sighs in frustration, "You just don't want her away from you for too long." I say as Nathan groans.
"Of course I don't! She my little girl!" He exclaims as I sigh.
"She's my little girl too but she needs to get used to us not being around all the time when she's at school!" I exclaim back as Nathan lets out another groan.
"Fine! Do what you want, Stevie. I'm done with this argument." Nathan says as I groan.
"You changed jobs so you wouldn't be away from us so much yet, you're away all the time, so I have to do what's best for my daughter and make the decisions. I feel like I'm doing this on my own." I say as Nathan turns to me.
"Then why don't you do it on your own?!" He yells, storming upstairs.

I just stand there, unable to believe what he'd just said. I feel the tears forming before I let them start to roll down my cheeks. A few minutes later, Nathan comes back down stairs.

"Stevie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that." He says as I stay silent, "I've had a bad day and I didn't mean to take it out on you like that." He adds on as I still say nothing.

I feel Nathan sit beside me before he pulls me into his arms. As his arms go round me, I burst into tears, letting him pull me onto his knee and rock me slowly.

"I'm so sorry." He whispers as I cuddle into him.
"I'm sorry too." I say as he kisses me, letting me kiss him back.
"I love you, okay?" He says as I look into his eyes, "And if sending Ali to nursery is what's best for her then, we'll do it." Nathan adds on as I kiss him again.
"I love you too and I do think it's best. I need a job to help you pay the bills. It's not fair that you're the only one paying for them." I say as Nathan kisses my forehead.
"We'll do whatever you think is best..." Nathan trails off, "For her." He says, now looking at Aaliyah, sleeping in her travel cot, as I smile slightly.
"Everything we do is for her."

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