Chapter 13

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~ 9 Months ~

Nathan and I were currently at the hospital. I went into labour 3 hours ago and the pain was getting worse. Every time a contraption hit me, it was like i was being stabbed 50 times over and it was getting worse each time.

Nathan was being the supportive boyfriend he'd always been. He was being so sweet and I loved him for that.

"Okay, you need to use those techniques that we learnt." Nathan said as I started using the breathing techniques.
"Why does this take so long?" i ask as Nathan kisses my forehead softly.
"I know, baby. I know. I'm here all the way, okay?" He says as I nod and carry on breathing.

~ 3 hours later ~

I hear a baby's cry as Nathan cuts the cord. The nurses take Aaliyah away to clean her up while I get moved to a clean bed.

Once Aaliyah was cleaned up and I was moved, the nurses brought her in to me and passed her to me as I smiled down at my gorgeous daughter. Nathan grabs a chair before sitting beside the bed and smiling at Aaliyah.

"Do you want me tog et your dad?" He asks as I nod and smile.

Nathan leaves and goes to get David before bringing him in as I smile.

"David, meet you granddaughter, Aaliyah Haze." I say as he smiles and I allow him to hold her.
"Hey..." He trails off as Nathan takes my hand.

I smile at David as he bonds with Aaliyah. It was the cutest thing I'd seen and I was happy that they were already bonding.

After a couple of hours, we got some pictures of Aaliyah on her own and Aaliyah with our families and us before my eyes started to get heavy.

"I'll watch her while you rest." Nathan says, cradling Aaliyah as she slept.

I nod and get comfy in the hospital bed, slowly falling asleep.


The next day, Aaliyah and I got to go home to our own beds and I was thankful for that. The hospital bed wasn't the comfiest and it was easier to sleep in mine and Nathan's bed.

We put Aaliyah down in her cot before heading to our own bed and laying together for a while.

"I'm proud of you, yano?" Nathan says as I smile.
"Yeah?" I ask as he nods.
"Yeah. You've just brought our daughter into the world and you've stayed strong throughout everything. You're an inspiration, Stevie." Nathan says as I smile.
"I'm not much of an inspiration..." I trail off as Nathan kisses me.
"You are. Trust me."

9 Months - NS - AU - RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now