Chapter 14

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~ 2 Months Later ~

By now, Aaliyah was 2 months old. Nathan was a wonderful father. While I was healing, he took care of Aaliyah. He fed her, changed her, put her to bed, everything and now I'm healed, we share the load and help each other when needed.

We were currently sat in the living room, watching something on TV while Aaliyah was asleep in her travel cot in front of us. She was never too far from where we were and if she was, it was only when we were in bed.

"Are you okay?" I hear Nathan ask as I nod and smile.
"Yeah. I'm tired but I'm good." I say as he smiles and kisses my forehead.
"I'm gonna go make a cuppa. You want one?" He asks as I nod and smile.
"Thanks." i say as he goes to the kitchen to make us both a drink.

A few minutes after Nathan leaves the room, Aaliyah starts to cry. I pick her up and gently shush her, rocking her slowly.

"Nath! Make a bottle?" I exclaim as he walks in with a bottle already done, "Thanks." I add on as he smiles and goes back to the kitchen, leaving me to feed Aaliyah.

Once I'd fed her and everything else, I cradled her for a bit, waiting for her to fall asleep before placing her back down in her travel cot.

Nathan had returned a few minutes ago with our drinks and placed them on the table while I was feeding Aaliyah. He'd sat beside me and smiled while watching me feed our little girl.

"You really are a great mum." He says as I smile.
"And you really are a great dad."


Later on that night, we put Aaliyah down in her crib before heading to bed ourselves. Nathan and I were both exhausted. Having a 2 month old baby and having to get up all hours of the night was exhausting and on top of that, Nathan was also back at work and trying to make up for the hours he'd lost for family leave.

"So, I was thinking of switching jobs..." I hear Nathan trail off from beside me.
"What?" I ask as he smiles at me.
"I got offered another job. It's better money and I get to choose my own hours. I'll need my own office, which won't be too hard. I'll just need tools and stuff. They already have clients waiting for me." He says as I look at him confused.
"A lawyer?" I question as he shakes his head.
"Interior designer." He says as I look even more confused.
"Isn't that what you do now?" I asks as he nods.
"Yeah but this other company won't need me in the office. I' can choose my clients from home." Nathan says as I shrug.
"I mean, that's up yp upi, Nath." I say as he smiles.
"I'm just thinking because, it'll give me more time with you and Ali." He says as I smile.
"It's up to you, Nathan. This is your job and you're good at it." I say as he smiles.
"I think I'm gonna take it, Stevie. It'll give me the perfect opportunity to show them what I'm capable of and what brilliance I can bring to the company." Nathan says as I smile.
"Then go for it, Nathan. I believe in you and I'm proud of you. Show them how amazing you are. They won't be able to refuse you the job." I say smiling as Nathan kisses me softly.
"You're os supportive. I love you." Nathan says as I smile and kiss him again.
"I love you more."

9 Months - NS - AU - RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now