Chapter 4

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After Nathan and I had talked for a while, he drove me home. He wanted to make sure I got home safe and that I was okay with everything that was happening, which I was. He pulled up outside my gate before turning to me and kissing me softly.

Once I got out of the car, I waved him off before going inside, realising that I was the only one in the house. Emily must've gone out with Sam again. I smiled and went upstairs before getting changed and laying on my bed.

I put a random series on Netflix before just relaxing on my bed and playing a game on my phone. A text came through from Emily, letting me know that she would be back soon as I smiled and started playing my game again.

I'd just finished a level before my phone started ringing. i checked the caller ID to see it was David and smiled before answering the phone.

(S- Stevie, D David)
S: Hey!
D: Hey. You said you needed to tell me something, sweetheart.
S: Yeah. Can you come over?
D: Sure. I'll be there in 10?
S: That's perfect. Love you.
D: Love you too.

If you're wondering, David is my adoptive dad. My adoptive mum passed away when I was 14 and David had never been the same since. It was a really hard time because they'd both adopted me when I was 6 and she'd been the closest thing I had to a mum. She was my best friend before I met Emily in Primary school.


Once David was here, I sat him down in the living rom and made us both a cup of tea.

"So, what do you need to tell me, love?" He asks as I sit next to him.
"Well, I met someone at the club the other night, on my birthday..." I trail off as he nods for me to carry on, "I woke up in his bed. We've been talking over the past 3 weeks and he's my boyfriend, as of today." I finish as David smiles.
"That's great!" He exclaims as I shake my head.
"There's something else..." I trail off.
"Yes?" He questions.
"I'm pregnant." I say, unsure of how David was going to react.
"What?" He asks as I look at him.
"You're going to be a granddad." I say as David's face turns into a huge smile.
"I'm so happy for you!" He exclaims, giving me a big hug as I hug him back.
"You're not mad?" I mumble as he shakes his head.
"Of course not. I'm so happy for you and if you're happy, I'm happy." He says as I pull out of the hug and allow him to kiss the top of my head.

David and I caught up for a couple hours. At about 5, there was a knock at the door as I opened it to see Nathan stood there. I let him in before introducing him to David.

"Nathan, this is David, my adoptive dad." I say as they shake hands.
"I've heard so much about you, David." Nathan says as David smiles, "She speaks so highly of you." Nathan adds on as David smiles again.
"She's not said a lot about you but I know she likes you" David says as I roll my eyes before going to make Nathan a cup of tea while he and David talk.

While the kettle was boiling, I scrolled through my social media. Not much was happening and it wasn't interesting but it kept me occupied while I was waiting. After a couple of seconds, I went to the NHS website to see what I needed to do now that I was pregnant. I had no clue who to contact or talk to or what I was supposed to do to make appointments at the hospital.

Once I had finished reading up on everything, I made Nathan's tea and took it through to the living rom for him. I sat down before I heard the front door shut. I saw Jade, Emily, Sam and Paul come in before getting up.

"Sit down. I'll make us drinks." Emily says as I invite everyone in to sit down, bearing in mind, 3 of them had to sit on the floor.
"Em said you have some news?" Jade asks as I nod.
"Uh, yeah. Emily, David and Nathan are the only ones who know at the minute." I say as Jade nods.
"Tell us then." Paul says as I take a deep breath.
"I'm pregnant with Nathan's baby. Em and I found out this morning." I say as my friends smile at me, "Oh, also, Nathan and I are a couple now." I say.
"Congrats!" Sam exclaims giving me a hug before everyone else hugs me too.

Everyone was so supportive and I couldn't believe it.

I loved them all.

So much.


A/N: Hey guys! So, this is chapter 4. I've had A LOT of free time so I'm trying to get through this before I start my next rewrite. Also, I miss writing.

Anyway, enjoy!

Love y'all!

Cee x

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