Chapter 12

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~ 8 Months ~

Nathan and I have had Goldie for a month now and we only have 3 weeks until Aaliyah's due date. We were really excited about Aaliyah coming along and introducing Goldie to her. I really hope they like each other because I love both of them so much.

"Stevie. You ready to go?" Nathan asks as I smile and slip on my shoes, grabbing Goldie's lead and hooking it to her collar.
"Yeah, we're ready." I say, Goldie leading the way.

Nathan takes my hand before wrapping his arm around my waist as we walk to the park, taking Goldie for her daily walk. 

Since Goldie is only a puppy, we take her for a walk once a day which will eventually turn into twice a day as she gets older. She's also quite easy to train. She listens to us both and she knows what's right and wrong already. We're thankful for that.

"So, we'll have our little Aaliyah in about 3 weeks, we have Goldie, our family will soon be complete." Nathan says as I smile at him.
"Our family was complete when we got together." I say as Nathan smiles, "I mean, Aaliyah and Goldie are just our little blessings. We are blessed to have them join the family." I say as Nathan smiles again.
"You're cute, you know that?" He says making me blush as I nudge him softly.


Once we got back home, Nathan and I put some water down for Goldie before I went and sat on the sofa, gently massaging my feet on the carpet.

"You okay?" I hear Nathan asks as I manage a small smile and nod.
"Yeah. My feet hurt though." I say as Nathan sits down and starts to massage my feet for me.
"Is that better?" he asks as I smile and nod.
"Thank you." I say as he smiles and kisses me softly.
"Anything for you." He replies before massaging my feet some more.

Once my feet felt a little better, I laid my head on Nathan's lap, letting him stroke his fingers through my hair. We stayed like this for a while, just enjoying each others company while watching the TV.

I loved these moments with Nathan.

These were the moments I treasured the most.

9 Months - NS - AU - RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now