Chapter 16

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~ 1 Month Later ~

Nathan and I have been together for exactly 2 years now. He was at home, looking after Aaliyah while I was out with Emily and Jade, dress shopping for Emily's wedding. Emily already had her wedding dress and now we were looking for bridesmaid dresses for Jade and myself.

"So, when are you and Nathan getting married?" Jade asks as I roll my eyes.
"When I'm not almost 24 with a 2 year old daughter." I say, looking at a couple of the dresses on the racks.
"But, you're gonna get married, right?" Emily asks as I shrug.
"I don't know. I mean, yeah, we have Aaliyah but, I don't even know if Nathan wants to get married. We've never spoke about it before." I say as Jade turns to me.
"You mean, you've been together for 2 years and never spoken about marriage?" Jade asks as I shrug.
"It never came up in conversation." I say, "Seriously, guys, let's just focus on Emily and Sam. They're the one getting married." i say as Jade smiles at me.
"Paul and I are getting married too." She says as my eyes open wide.
"And you were going to tell me this when?" I ask, now looking at her ring with Emily.
"I was gonna tell you at dinner tonight but I guess it just came up in conversation." She smiles, "It was a bit of a shock because we'd spoke about it before but he told me that he didn't want to get married. We've been together 5 years now and I thought that we were just gonna be the couple that never got married but now..." She trails off, admiring her ring.
"But now you're gonna be another couple that are married." I sigh, turning around and looking at the dresses again.


Once I get home, I call out to Nathan just to have him call back from the living room. I walk in to see him sat on the floor with Aaliyah, playing with her dinosaurs.

"How was dress shopping?" Nathan asks as I shrug.
"Jade is getting married too." I say as Nathan sits next to me on the sofa.
"That's good, right?" He asks as I nod.
"Of course it is. My two best friends are getting married." I say as Nathan smiles.
"Then you're happy, right?" he asks as I shrug.
"I don't know, Nathan..." I trial off, "They kept asking me when we're getting married." I say as Nathan freezes.
"What did you tell them?" He asks.
"That we're not. That we haven't spoken about it. Why?" I ask as he relaxes.
"No reason." He replies before sitting on the floor and playing with Aaliyah again.

I need to know what that was all about. Why did he tense up like that and why the hel is he so worried about what they said?

"I'm going to get ready for dinner." I say as Nathan nods and I walk up the stairs.

I grab a few towels before jumping in the shower and doing everything necessary before jumping out and wrapping a towel around myself and my hair. I then walk into the bedroom and go through the wardrobe, pulling out a tight dark purple dress, that comes to mid thigh, skin colour tights and black heels before getting dressed.

Once I was dressed, I sat at the dressing table and brushed through my hair before drying it and curling it, leaving it down. I then put on some natural makeup and clip some strands of my hair back.

I wear the necklace that Nathan had bought me for my birthday and a couple of bracelets that I had received from my friends and David before going downstairs.

"While you get ready, I'll dress Aaliyah." I say as Nathan nods and packs away Aaliyah's toys while I take her to her bedroom.

I put Aaliyah in a pink dress with white tights and pink shoes before tying her hair in pigtails, leaving her hair naturally curly.

"Don't you look gorgeous?" I hear Nathan says as I smile.

I turn to see him leant against the door frame, wearing a white shirt, black trousers, a black blazer and some black shoes. He looked smart but also casual. He was wearing the watch the I got him for Christmas and he left his hair curly. Okay, he didn't look smart, he looked hot.

"She does, doesn't she?" I ask as he wraps his arms round my waist.
"I was talking about you..." He trails off, "I mean, Aaliyah looks cute, as always but you..." He trials off again.
"What?" I ask, smiling.
"Wow." He says as I blush and pick up Aaliyah.
"Let's go." I say as he smiles and nods.


Once we arrived at the restaurant, my friends and David were waiting outside for us, I gave them all a hug as they exchanged hellos with Nathan and hugged Aaliyah. We walked to the door before finding our seats and sitting together, starting a causal conversation.

Once we'd all looked at the menu, we ordered our food and drinks before starting a casual conversation again. I glanced over at Nathan who looked dead nervous while everyone else talked amongst themselves.

"Hey. What wrong?" I ask as everyone looks towards Nathan and I.
"Nothing. I'm fine." Nathan says as I take his hand.
"You sure?" I ask as he nods.
"Yeah. I'm good." He smiles as I keep holding his hand, re-joining the conversation with everyone lese.
"Just do it already." Emily says as I look at her to see her looking at Nathan and I.
"Emily! Stop!" Jade exclaims as I'm now just as confused as David and the boys.
"He's gonna do it anyway so, why not now? Emily says as I look at Nathan.
"Do what?" I ask as Nathan chuckles nervously, "Someone tell me." I say as David and the boys shrug while Jade and Emily exchange glances.

When I turn back to Nathan, he was on one knee, holding a ring.

"What I'm doing is asking you to marry me." Nathan says as my eyes fill with tears.
"But, we never spoke about it..." I trail off as Nathan smiles.
"It never came up in conversation." Nathan says as I smile, "So, Stevie, will you marry me?" Nathan asks as I nod.
"Yes, Nathan. 100% yes." I say as he slides the ring on my finger before kissing me softly as I kiss him back.
"I love you." He whispers as I kiss him again.
"And I love you."

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