Chapter 9

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~ 5 Months ~

A couple of weeks ago, Nathan had asked me to move in with him. I had agreed and I'd finally settled into his place with him. Emily had asked Sam to move in with her so neither of us was alone and we were both happy with the decisions we had made. Being away from each other, Emily and I had grown stronger as best friends. 

Nathan was at work while I was filling out my part of the housing paperwork so his landlord knew that I was now living with him and needed to be put on the tenancy. Nathan and I had agreed that I would get a job after Aaliyah comes along so I can help pay the bills since there was no point in me getting a job now as I would only be working for 3 months before going on maternity leave.

Once I'd finished the paperwork, I watched a bit of TV while waiting for Nathan to finish work. He was due to be home between now (1 pm) and 3 pm, depending on traffic and if he had to stay a bit longer to finish up some work that he hadn't managed to finish.

It eventually got to 1 pm when I heard Nathan come in. He placed his stuff in the hallway before walking into the living room and kissing my forehead.

"You okay?" He asks as I nod.
"Yeah. You?" I reply as he smiles and nods.

Nathan sits on the sofa and places my legs over his before watching whatever I was watching with me.

"Cup of tea?" I ask as Nathan nods.
"I'd love one." He says as I smile and get up to make us both a cup of tea.
"Nathan! Where did we put the decaf?" I shout to him.
"Second cupboard to the right!" He shouts back as I thank him and grab myself a tea bag.

I make the teas before taking them through to the living rom and placing them on the coffee table. I then go back to my previous position and carry on watching TV


Later that night, Nathan offers to make us food while I take a bath. My back was aching and so were my feet, even though I hadn't done much during the day.

Once I'd finished my bath, I put on my pyjamas and tied my hair into a messy bun before joining Nathan downstairs for our tea. He had made us a tuna pasta and it smelled and looked delicious.

"Nathan, this was amazing. Thank you." I say as he smiles at me.
"It's okay. I-" I cut him off.
"Aaliyah's kicking." I say as Nathan smiles and rushes over to me, placing his hands on my bump.

We sit there for a few minutes, feeling our daughter kick. It wasn't like a hard kick, either. It just felt like butterflies to me.

"That's my girl..." Nathan trails off as I giggle.
"Our girl." I say taking one of his hands as he smiles.
"Our girl."


A/N: So, as you can probably tell, I'm still struggling with writer's block because this chapter is the worst thing I've written since I started writing :( Anyway, I will try to come up with some ideas and I'll update soon.


Love Y'all

~ Cee x

9 Months - NS - AU - RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now