Chapter 24

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I woke up and checked on Aaliyah before getting her dressed for nursery. Once she was dressed, I took her downstairs, placed her in her high chair and gave her some toast for breakfast.

Not long after Aaliyah had finished eating, Nathan came downstairs and joined me for breakfast, telling me that he'll take Aaliyah to nursery while he was on his way to his first client. I agreed and carried on eating my breakfast.

Once Nathan had left with Aaliyah, I cleaned up the front room before making a start on the kitchen. I didn't have a lot to do so I decided to sit and watch a movie once I had finished cleaning up.

It got to 1pm and I heard the front door close before hearing Nathan's voice.

"Stevie. I'm home." He called as I smiled.
"Living room." I called back as he walked in and sat beside me, kissing my temple.

We sat in silence since non of us had anything to say. We just enjoyed each others company, as usual.

"I'm gonna pick Ali up at 3. Do you want to come with me?" He asks as I nod.
"Sure." I reply as he smiles at me.
"We can get a Maccies on the way back." He says as I nod.
"Ali will like that." I say as Nathan kisses my temple again before going to get changed.

Once it was time to pick up Ali, we for in the car and made our way to her nursery. We got there about 5 mins early and waited for her teacher to bring her to the gate where Nathan was waiting for her. I decided to stay in the car and order our food ahead of time so we can just collect it and bring it home with us.

"Hi mummy. We did painting today. I made this for you." Ali says as I turn around and smile.
"Hey baby. Oh that's beautiful, thank you." I say as she smiles and proceeds to entertain herself.

I loik at the picture and it was Nathan, Ali and I. Underneath it, her teacher had wrote 'My Amazing Family' for her as I showed Nathan. Nathan smiled and praised Ali.

"I'm gonna put it on the fridge when we get home." Nathan says as I nod and agree with him.


Once we'd gotten home, we ate our food and stuck Ali's picture on the fridge before watching a movie together.

Ali was sat on the floor playing with her Barbies while Nathan and I sat on the sofa, watching TV. After the film had finished, I got Aaliyah ready for bed and tucked her in before joining Nathan back in the living room, where he had put the football on. It wasn't even Man U playing but we watched it anyway because entertainment is entertainment.

"Nath?" I say, turning to him.
"Yeah?" He asks, turning to face me.
"I want another baby." I say as he smiles.
"I do too but, Ali is only 3." He says as I nod.
"I know but she'll be 4 soon and I think it would be nice to have a new addition to the family." I say as Nathan nods, "Ever since we lost Goldie..." I trail off as Nathan puts his arms around me.
"If you want another baby, I'll gladly have another baby with you." Nathan says, "And Goldie was only 3 when she sadly passed away so, if you want another dog..." Nathan trails off as I shake my head.
"I don't think I can go through losing a pet again." I say as Nathan kisses me.
"But we can't go through another miscarriage either, Stevie." Nathan says as I sigh.
"I know." I say as Nathan cuddles me.

Nathan stays cuddling me for a while before speaking up again.

"Lets go make a baby." Nathan says as I look at him.
"Yeah?" I ask he kisses me.
"Yeah." He replies, leading me upstairs.

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