Chapter 10

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~ 6 Months ~

Nathan and I were currently setting up for the gender reveal party. We were only inviting our families plus Emily, Sam, Jade and Paul. Considering my family was only David and I, Nathan and I spoke about my friends coming too.

Nathan was currently putting up decorations while I sorted out the food and set them onto the table. Once we were fully set up, we sorted out the balloons ready for when everyone arrived.


It got to 6pm and everyone was here. We all decided to have food before we revealed the gender and everyone was getting excited.

"So, did you pick a name already?" Emily asks as I nod and smile.
"Yeah but, I can't tell you until we reveal the gender." I say as Emily pouts.
"But I'm like, your sister." She says as I hug her.
"Everyone will find out at the same time." I say as she smiles again.

Once everyone had finished eating and we were ready, Nathan and I stood in front of everyone in the living room.

"So, you're all here to find out the gender of our little bean." Nathan says as I smile.
"And we're so excited to show you and tell you their name." I say as Nathan puts an arm round me.
"And we're gonna show you in..."

Nathan and I pop our balloons at the same time as pink confetti falls around us both and our families (and friends) cheer for us.

"It's a girl!" Nathen and I exclaim.
"And her name?" Emily asks as I smile at Nathan.
"Aaliyah Haze Sykes." Nathan says as I smile.
"I bet she'll be beautiful." David says, hugging me as I hug him back before he gives Nathan a hug.
"I don't hope for that because I already know that she's beautiful..." Nathan says before looking at me, "Just like her mummy." He adds on before kissing me softly as I smile.


Later that night, after everyone went home, I cleaned up the table while Nathan hoovered up the confetti.

"Stevie." Nathan says as I turn to him, "I put some of the confetti in the baby memories box." Nathan says as I smile.
"Thank you, Nathan." I say as he smiles.
"I knew you'd want it in their because of the memories." He says as I smile and kiss him.
"Of course." I reply as I finish cleaning the table before we sit on the sofa together.

It was about 9pm as we sat and watched some TV together. What I didn't explain was that the gender reveal was also a baby shower. The presents people bought were really useful, especially since we received everything that we didn't have already, which completed our shopping list.

"Are you feeling okay?" Nathan asks as I smile and nod.
"I'm feeling great. You?" I ask as Nathan nods.
"Yeah. I'm good." He replies as I smile and lean over to kiss him.

Nathan kisses me back before moving me to rest my head on his lap. One of his hands plays with my hair while the other one rests on my baby bump softly.

"You're really excited about Aaliyah, aren't you?" I ask him as he smiles.
"Of course I am. She's gonna be daddy's little princess and I'm gonna spoil her as much as I can." Nathan says as I smile up at him.
"I knew you'd say that." I say as he looks down at me and smiles.
"Come on. Let's go to bed." Nathan says as I smile and nod.


A/N: Hey! I know this short but I didn't know what to write because I never had a baby shower or gender reveal. To be completely honest, with my 3 kids, I never made it that far, may they forever be looked after in the sky. 

Anyway! Please enjoy!

Love Y'all!

Cee x

9 Months - NS - AU - RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now