Chapter 11

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~ 7 Months ~

"Stevie, I have some news." I hear Emily say to me as we wait in line to order our drinks at Starbucks.
"You're pregnant too?" I question as she shakes her head.
"No but, Sam asked me to marry him..." She trails off as I turn to her, "And I said yes!" She exclaims as I let out a squeak and hug her.
"I'm so happy for you!" I exclaim as she shows me the ring.
"I want you to be one of my bridesmaids. Jade is the other one and we wanted Aaliyah to be our flower girl so, we weren't gonna get married until she turns like 2 or 3." Emily says as I smile.
"A lot can happen in 2-3 years, Em." I say as she nods.
"I know but Sam and I have been together 11 years. I'm sure everything is gonna be fine." Emily says as I smile.
"11 years?" I question s she nods, "I keep forgetting that you guys have been together since you were 11. That's crazy." I say as Emily smiles.
"I know!2 She exclaims as we get our drinks, "I never thought I'd find my person but, I know for sure that Sam is 100% my person." She says as I smile and hug her again.


Once I got home, I hung up my jacket and sat on the sofa beside Nathan. I tell him about Emily and Sam getting married and we talk about what we did in town. We also discuss the nursery, since Nathan had been decorating that morning.

"It's almost done. I just need to put up the changing station." Nathan says before taking me into the nursery.

My mouth drops open in awe as I look around, letting my eyes fill with tears.

The walls in the rom were a pastel pink colour with a purple strip around the middle of the walls. The butterfly stickers, that Nathan had picked out, were dotted around one wall where the crib was set up with the mobile above it. The carpet was a dark purple colour with a toy box on the other side of the room to the crib. There was s mall pink wardrobe filled with all of our baby's clothes and shoes. We also had a set of draws to match the wardrobe which was also filled with her clothes. Then the wall near the door had a couple of shelves that had her teddys and  few toys on top of them.

"I was thinking of setting up the changing station here. That way it'll be easier for the both of us to change her and put her straight back to bed. What do you think?" Nathan asks as I burst into tears.
"It's perfect." I sob as I feel his arms wrap around me.
"Why are you crying?" He asks as I soak his shoulder with my tears.
"Because this baby and this room and you..." I trail off, "Perfect." I whisper as he kisses my head and pulls out of the hug.
"You're perfect." He whispers as I kiss him softly.


Later that night, we sit down to have tea before having an early night. I was achy and tired. I just wanted to go to bed.

"Are you okay?" Nathan asks as I smile and nod.
"I'm excited. In 2 months time, we'll have our beautiful daughter with us and we'll finally be a complete family." I say as Nathan smiles.
"I have a surprise for you tomorrow so, get some rest." Nathan says as I kiss him before falling into a comfortable, deep sleep...


"Stevie, wake up." I hear Nathan's voice as I grumble and roll over.
"No..." I trail off as he shakes me, "What?" I ask as he chuckles.
"Time for your surprise." He says as I sit up and rub my eyes.
"What time is it?" I ask as he smiles.
"11. Wait here while I get your present." He says as I nod and wait for him.

He walks back into the room holding a little box and places it on the bed. There was holes in the box as I examined it.

"It's broken?" I question as Nathan laughs.
"Open it." He says as I open the box.
"Oh my god!" I exclaim as a cute little golden retriever puppy looks up at me with it's big brown eyes, "Nathan!" I exclaim, picking up the puppy, letting it sniff around me before it nuzzles its head into me.
"And you get to name her." He says, sitting on the bed, placing the box on the floor.
"But..." I trial off, "How did you afford her?" I ask as he smiles.
"I was saving up for something else but then I saw her and decided that I should get her instead." Nathan says as I smile at him and cuddle with the puppy, "What do you wanna call her?" He asks as I smile.
"Goldie." I say as Nathan smiles.
"Perfect." He whispers as I smile.
"Yes..." I trail off, "Perfect."

9 Months - NS - AU - RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now