Chapter 5

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~1st Month~

"Come on Stevie!" I hear Emily shout up the stairs as I rolled my eyes and stood at the top.
"Em, can you hold on 2 seconds. I'm busy." I say as she sighs.
"But we wanna watch the movie." She moans.
"Start it without me. Jeez." I say, going back into my room.

I was busy throwing up and having cramps. Morning sickness sucks and so does cramps. I read up that this can happen during pregnancy but, I didn't think it would be this much. I was literally sat on my bed with a bucket before I decided to call Nathan.

(S - Stevie, N - Nathan)
N: Hey. Is everything okay?
S: Uh, I'm having cramps and really bad morning sickness. Can you come over?"
N: Yeah. I'll be there in 10?
SL Perfect. Thank you.

Nathan hangs up just before I throw my head back into the bucket, bringing up more bile. I hadn't eaten because I've been like this since I woke up. I woke up at 8am and it was now 10am.

"Stevie?" I hear Nathan's voice as I groan in response, throwing my head back into the bucket, "Hey, are you okay?" He asks as I look at him.
"Do I look okay?" I ask as he sighs.
"Stupid question, I know." He says, taking my hand, "Have you eaten?" He asks as I shake my head.
"Why can't you be the pregnant one?" I grumble as he chuckles.
"I don't have ovaries or a womb, love." He says as I roll my eyes.
"Can't you at least be sick? You did this to me." I reply as he chuckles again.
"I'll go make you some food." He says as I grab his hand.
"Please don't leave me alone like this. Please." I plead as he sits on my bedroom floor.

I sit beside him as his arms wrap around me. I don't have anything left to throw up, for now.

"Are the cramps bad?" He asks as I nod.
"Yeah but not hospital bad." I say as he nods and kisses the top of my head.
"We have our first scan in a couple of weeks. Are you excited to see our baby?" He asks as I nod, "Me too." He adds on as I smile at him and cuddle into his chest.

He starts to stroke his fingers through my hair as I smile and lok into his bright green eyes.

"how are you so beautiful?" I ask as he chuckles.
"Shh..." He trails off as I smile and lean into him.


Later that day, my cramps had gone and I wasn't feeling as sick as I was. I was currently sat in the kitchen with Nathan. Emily and our friends had gone out so it was just the two of us.

Nathan was making a cup of tea while I was scrolling through social media on my phone. Nathan and I had announced our relationship on Facebook the day we got together after he got to know David a little more.

We had decided that we were going to announce the baby once we had the scan photo. The only problem was, we didn't know how anyone would react. Our closest friends and family know. Nathan even tok me to meet his mum and his sister to tell them but, how would anyone else react? Aunties, Uncles, cousins?

Nathan came and sat across the table from me, taking my hand in his as I smile at him.

"I, um..." He trails off as I look at him, "I wanna kiss you." Nathan says as I smile.
"Then kiss me." I reply as Nathan comes to me and stands me up, placing his hand son my hips, pulling me closer to him.
"I will." He whispers, leaning down and gently pressing his lips against mine.

I smile into the kiss and kiss him back, allowing my arms to go round his neck as his go round my waist. He pulls away and leans his forehead on mine as I smile and look into his green eyes, letting him look into my blue ones.

He smiles before pecking my lips again as I pull away from him. He keeps his arms wrapped round my waist, cuddling me as I smile and cuddle him back.

"You're so cute." I hear him whisper as I giggle.
"Shh..." I trail off, mimicking him from earlier as I hear him chuckle.


A/N: Okay, so I know these are really short but my writer's block won't leave me alone. I'm gonna try my best to keep updating but I'm sorry if updates will be slow and short.

Anyway, enjoy!

Love y'all!

Cee x

9 Months - NS - AU - RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now