1 Patient

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Part 1 Patient

A dreadful voice of Arnav Singh Raizada shook RM. Anjali closed her eyes painfully whereas Nani spilled tears. Shyam tied up Arnav's leg and hands with an iron chain. Whenever Arnav became uncontrolled it happened in RM. In fact, he was always uncontrolled after the terrible incident.

What happened?

Arnav Singh Raizada was a young businessman who rotated the whole business world by the tip of his finger. FAME kneeled in front of his skills. The reputation he earned from society was something too much for his age. Because of him, many BIGWIGS became USELESS. He became a target to his rivals. One day, a few men rounded him up and attacked him brutally. Their aim was not his death. They wanted him to become useless. So, they hit his head with an iron rod. Arnav fell to the ground on the pool of blood lifelessly. Before they break his head with another knock, his friend Aman reached the place. But, death would have been better than his present condition. He became a mental disorder patient. He forgot everyone... even himself. He behaved uncontrolled if he was denied anything. He wanted anything that looked NEW and ATTRACTED.

The only thing that scared Arnav was BLOOD. He ran from the place immediately roaring like hell.

He was admitted to the hospital after the accident. Without understanding anything, he made the hospital room like a battlefield. In that Hungama, the blood pouch fell down and he stepped on it. in no time, the blood splashed from the pouch and spread all over the floor. A sudden nervousness occupied Arnav's face and he started screaming with fear. Laying down on the bed, he covered his face with a quilt not wanting to see the blood.


Now, he saw Belgium Mirror that was bought by Shyam. Like always, Arnav rushed to that and tried to take it in his arms without caring about anything. Shyam stopped him from doing that. No need to say, Arnav lost his patience and shouted in anger. He tried to take it more violently than before. Shyam ordered the servant to control him. They pressed him to the floor, pouncing on him. Using the chance, Shyam chained him up and locked him in a room. That was why he shouted terribly.

Shyam came to Nani's room and saw Anjali and Nani crying.

"Rani Sahiba... please don't cry. I called the doctor..."

Cutting him,

"The Doctor is coming and going... but Chotte remains the same" Anjali said helplessly.

"We are trying our best but Sale Sahib is not showing improvement. Don't know what to do" Shyam said feeling sad.

"Why not we take him to a foreign country for the advance level of treatment?" Nani asked.

"Nani, don't you know his real condition? Didn't you hear what the doctor said? This is not a disease but a mental illness. It can't be cured by medicines. Yet, we are not sitting quietly. We have brought medicines from an advanced psychiatric American hospital. And, we should not forget an important issue. Arnav was a famous businessman. We can't do his treatment openly. He will get cured in some days for sure. People may mock him pointing out his past mental condition. It should not happen at any cost because he has a reputation. It will pull his confidence level down. Or, it may lead him to the same condition again because this society never misses the chance to play with people's weakness" Shyam said.

Anjali and Nani nodded yes.

"Please don't go in front of him... The Doctor asked me to be careful not to send any WOMAN near him" Shyam said painfully.

Yes, Raizadas faced a dreadful problem from Arnav. He got attracted to WOMEN. The features of a woman's body made something in him. He tried to touch the nurse who came to RM with the doctor. Shyam noticed his eyes triggered with sparks when he saw the nurse. He was controlled only with an injection that day. After that only Raizadas decided to lock him in a room specially designed for Arnav with a grill gate. It helped them to watch Arnav from outside.

"But, how long we can be like this? Isn't there any way to make him out of the problem?"

"There is a way... but we can't implement it," Shyam said.


"At first, he was so curious about touching the things in RM. But, now he is not showing the same curiosity because he used to see them regularly. We allowed him to touch them, break them, allowed him to roam in RM when we are not at home. So, he is not even touching them now, because he got used to those things"

Anjali was horrified.

"What are you trying to say? Chotte will lose interest in women when he gets used to them?" She asked.

Shyam gulped down.

"This is ridiculous..."

"Accept it or not... that's his mental condition... I told you, this is not a simple disease that can be diagnosed with a few medical tests. We are analyzing him since the time he got affected and we are learning something new about him every day. this is one among them. He will lose interest in woman only if we allow him to touch a woman"

Anjali and Nani spared a painful glance at each other.

"I know what you are thinking, Damadji... this is a reputed family. I don't want any immoral woman to enter this house for any reason."

Shyam was silent. What Nani guessed was right. He was thinking to hire a woman to be with Arnav for a few days who could do anything for MONEY.

"What he is thinking, Nani?" Anjali asked.

"He is thinking to hire a woman for the job..."

"Whaaaat?" Anjali was shocked.

"What can we do, Rani Sahiba? This is a sensitive issue. He is not in the condition to understand the difference between a sister and a grandmother. What if something horrible happens to us? What if the situation slips from our hands? We have to do something about it, Rani Sahiba because this is a dangerous condition."

"What if he doesn't lose his interest in women? What if he wants to be with the woman all the time? What if he loses his control if she goes away from him?" Nani questioned.

Shyam was silent. He could not answer because there was a chance for that to happen. Arnav was unpredictable. No one knew what will he do.

Shyam sighed and came out of Nani's room. Anjali followed him.

"One minute, Shyamji"

Shyam looked at her.

"Chotte is not in his sense then how could he get into a sexual relationship with a woman? It's the toughest part of life... without having enough knowledge in that matter, no one could do that, right?" Anjali asked.

"I too don't know. He gets attracted to woman. At the same time, we can't say, it's about SEX. Maybe, his attraction is only to touch a woman's body because the woman's features differ from HIS. We can't conclude anything in his matter." He said wearily.

"Nani was not wrong, Shyamji. we can't say he will get enough of a woman after touching her because touching lifeless things and touching a woman is not the same... he may feel something while touching a woman... it may change him dangerously..."

Shyam nodded yes.

"Ask Lavanya to be careful" Shyam sighed.

"She knows..." Anjali said in a feeble tone.

Shyam nodded ok. Lavanya was Arnav's younger sister who was studying in college.

To be continued...

Note: Guys, you can have many conflicts with this story about Arnav's mental condition and the way I'm going to bring Khushi into his life. Please keep one thing in your mind. Arnav is a MENTAL patient who has no sense. And... I will give solutions to all the questions that are going to raise in your mind. Please be patient... Thank you.

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