13 Wedding

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Part 13 Wedding (Long Update)

Taking the signed document from Garima, Khushi handed her another document.

"What is this?" Garima asked.

"We already talked about it"

Garima gulped down. Snatching it from her hand, she signed it as she didn't want to talk about it in front of Anjali. Swaraj also signed after throwing an angry glare at Khushi. Khushi took that from them. Lavanya slightly pulled the paper from her hand, reading her expression. Khushi gave it to her without minding about anything. Lavanya and also Anjali was shocked reading the document. It stated that,


Anjali understood one thing through the document, that Khushi was purely forced into the marriage. Lavanya must be right. They would do anything for money it seems. That made her nervous. Khushi was not getting married to Arnav wholeheartedly. She was doing that for her mother and brother.

Khushi took the document from Anjali's hand. She wanted Anjali to know her REAL condition. Khushi wanted Anjali to understand Anjali was the sole reason for this wedding. If she didn't put money in front of her mother, this wedding would not have happened. Khushi wanted Anjali to know that Khushi will not go back to Gupta House no matter what. Of course, Anjali understood her role in Khushi's life... it was the biggest role.

"Tomorrow, we will come with Shagun," Anjali said.

"Jee..." Garima said.

"Before Friday, please complete the rituals. I will send all the needed things to Khushi" Anjali said.

Garima nodded ok.

"We are leaving," Anjali said.

"Bye, Khushi" Lavanya said.

Khushi nodded ok.

Guptas sent them off.

Khushi was about to go to her room,

"Do you think you can live without our help?" Garima asked.

"I don't need your help"

"Do you forget what Sara said? Arnav will forget you if he gets his memory back. He is a multi-millionaire... he won't accept you as his wife. Anjali already gave us money for the loss. She won't support you. You should have to come back here only. Don't forget that"

"I'm glad that you understood what you are doing. Yet... you are doing this for money. Do it... God bless you"

She went to her room and locked the door.

Swaraj opened the bag and his eyes sparkled greedily. He took a two-thousand-rupee bundle.

"I'm taking this..."

"Do you know how much is that? It's two lakhs"

"So what? We are going to be related to Raizadas. Look at my bike. How could I come to Raizada mansion by this? Don't we have a reputation?"


"I'm going to buy a bike..."

"Two lakhs for a bike?"

"Not only for that. I have borrowed money from my friends. I have to give that."


"Amma, don't ask me silly questions. Just behave like a millionaire..."

His sentence brought a smile to Garima's face. Using the chance, Swaraj left the house. Garima huffed in relief. Thank God, Swaraj didn't know about the WHOLE amount. Or else, he could not be controlled. Closing the main door, she went to Khushi's room and knocked on her room door. Khushi opened the door. Before Garima asked her for money, Khushi kept the bag outside the room and closed the door again. Garima took the bag sighing and walked to her room.

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