11 About ASR

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Part 11 About ASR (Long update)

Sara composed herself.

"Mental...??? Still, you are ready to marry him? Why?" She asked shockingly.

Before Khushi answered her, Garima did.

"He raped khushi"

Khushi was about to say 'He didn't rape me' Sara said,

"Raped? How could a mental patient do that? It doesn't make sense because it needs sense"

"He didn't rape me. He just attacked me" Khushi said without hesitation.

"Who will think of impossibilities? No one will... According to the world, you are a rape victim." Garima advocated.

"So, you agreed to get Khushi married to him?" Sara asked with a horrified expression.

"Not for that reason aunty, Raizadas are ready to give her one core to get me married to him," Khushi said.

Now, Sara understood what made Garima make such a horrible decision. When it came to money, Garima would have forgotten all the ethics. She just needed money. For that, she would do anything without hesitating. She could even get her only daughter married to a mental.

Sara looked at Garima tightening her jaw.

"Have you gone mad? Do you know what risk are you taking?"

"I agreed to this wedding not only for money. Khushi will become a daughter-in-law of the Raizada clan. She will live lavishly that we can't even imagine" Garima gave reasons for her decision.

"What if ASR gets his sense back?" Sara asked.

"Then it will be better than anything," Garima said proudly.

Cutting her,

"Better my foot... He won't remember Khushi if he gets his sense back. He will forget everything that's happening now"

"However, she is his wife. Do you think I will leave him easily?" Garima asked with attitude.

"What will you do...? Haan...? You can do nothing because this marriage will not be legal because he is a mental disorder patient. You can't register for this wedding because, according to law, the marriage should happen with both the groom and bride's acceptance. It will be a mutual one between families. That's all"

Garima became speechless.

"Can't we register the wedding?" She asked.

"No... We can't..."

"So what? Can't we tell him what he did and make him understand?"

"What do you know about Arnav Singh Raizada? You know only about the senseless man. You have no idea about how he acts if he has sense. Now, I understand how he became mental. Do you know what happened to him?"

Garima gulped down whereas Khushi became alert as she knew nothing about Arnav.

"He became the king of the business world within a few years only by using his mind extraordinarily. He was called the God of ideas. The biggest shots of the business world were shaken to the core, after the gigantic growth of ASR. They understood that they can't beat him by fighting with him genuinely. Making a perfect sketch, they rounded him up. Just think, how wrathful they would have been that they didn't kill him even after having a chance to do that. They wanted to revenge on him this way. They wanted him to be SENSELESS. They wanted him to be useless. That's how they are getting satisfied. Arnav Singh Raizada is a power"

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