47 The Recordings

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Part 47 The Recordings

Arnav stood with a smile and was about to leave Khushi's room, his eyes caught sight of her phone. He got stuck for a few seconds. Making himself up, he looked at the entrance to make sure Khushi left. Without any second thought, he took her mobile. He kept it in his pant pocket and walked out.

Coming to his room, Arnav closed the door first. Taking Khushi's mobile from his pocket, he unlocked it with his fingerprint. Opening the FILE MANAGER, he searched for the CALL RECORDING. There, he saw five to six files on Swamiji's name. After sending them to his email id, he deleted them from Khushi's ID and cleared them from BIN.

He again came out of his room. He heard Anjali talking about the next day's pooja. He was sure Khushi would be with her. He made sure by slightly peeping. Yes, Khushi was there with Anjali and Nani. Coming to her room again, he kept her mobile in the same place and left her room silently.

Arnav headed to his room to listen to the call recording. That was when HP called him.

"Arnav baba, Anjaliji is calling you for dinner"

Arnav nodded yes and walked to the dining. He saw Khushi also sitting at the dining and HP was serving them. He found Khushi not looking at him directly but stealing glances. He knew it was the effect of his hug.

Will she do the same, if he hugged her even after the truth is revealed? He supposed.

Anjali kept on ordering servants about the preparation of the pooja whereas Arnav was observing Shyam who didn't get into anything. It seemed wired. He thought something but changed his mind as everyone was interestingly getting ready for the pooja. So, he didn't want to spoil their mood. Therefore, he stayed silent. Most probably, his mind was fully on the call recordings. Finishing the dinner hurriedly, he got back to his room.

Inserting the earphone, he listened to the recorded calls of Swamiji.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: It may look like I'm repeating the past sequences again but it's a must. To say what Arnav felt hearing the recording, I'm recalling Swamiji and Khushi's conversation again. Arnav's thoughts and feelings would be in bold letters.

Arnav ran the recording.

"I got the medicine sent by you, beti. We tested it immediately to know the exact condition. The people who are providing it to your husband must be heartless." The Swamiji said.

Arnav was shocked. Provided medicine? Who provided it to him? And why?

"I have never seen such a dangerous drug in my life. Actually, I don't want to tell you about it but I have no choice because you have to know about it. because of the drug effect, your husband is not sleeping. The medicine is the one that provokes his sexual feelings. They must be cruel people. the man who couldn't express his feelings is suffering from dangerous feelings. How pity...!"

Arnav gulped hard. At the same time, he was outraged too. Sexual feelings? that was why his sisters would not have gotten close to him.

"Can't we cure him, Swamiji?" Khushi asked sadly.

Arnav sensed her choking.

"We will. This is not your problem but mine too. This case challenged me. Your friend Meena is starting from Tamilnadu tonight. I will send the medicine to her. I will give proper instructions too. Just follow that."

Yeah... he knew Meena. She was Lavanya's friend. Lavanya told him about her native was Tamilnadu. So, from Meena, only Khushi should have known about Swamiji who was also from Tamilnadu...!

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