28 Arnav was in Temple

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Part 28 Arnav in the Temple

Anjali clicked the cutest pic of Arnav. She showed it to Nani and Lavanya. Khushi strode towards Arnav and she was stopped by Anjali.

"Khushi, see your Arnavji" She showed her mobile.

Hearing that, Arnav rushed to Khushi and peeped on her mobile. He became curious, after seeing his photo. He snatched the mobile from Khushi's hand and walked toward his room. Anjali was horrified.

"Oh my God...he is taking my mobile to your room. Have to get it from him. Don't know what will he do with it"

Anjali rushed behind him and snatched the mobile from his hand. Arnav stood with anger, looking at Anjali.

"This is my mobile, jeejaji will call me, Chotte..."

"I'm Arnavji...." he shouted.

Anjali looked at Khushi helplessly, asking for her help through her eyes. Arnav was about to snatch it from Anjali's hand again, but Khushi clutched his hand, stopping him from doing that.

"Arnavji, it's her mobile... you should not use it"

Shrugging her hand off, he walked to their room making face. Khushi rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry Khushiji... please console him..." Anjali pleaded.

"I will take care of him, Di. You don't worry"

Khushi headed to their room. He saw Arnav sitting on the bed glaring at the floor. Khushi removed her phone from the charger and came to Arnav. She sat next to him and looked at his face, tilting her head. Arnav turned opposite her.

"It seems someone is angry with me...?"

Arnav didn't look at her.

"I thought to give him my phone. What to do if he does not want to talk to me?" she waved her mobile in front of his face.

Arnav turned towards her smilingly. He snatched the phone from her hand and looked at the mobile turning it left to right in a searching manner.

"Wait Arnavji..."

Taking it, she pressed her fingerprint into it and opened it. Selecting the camera, she captured their first selfie. Then, she taught him how to hold the mobile while capturing selfies and how to capture photos. Taking it from her hand, Arnav started capturing photos with Khushi. Khushi stood up and was about to go, he pulled her towards him not letting her go from the room. Khushi fell on his lap and Arnav circled her waist. His finger was tapping the snaps. Khushi kissed his cheek lovingly and that was also registered on her phone.

"Arnavji, enough of taking photos. I have to go. You keep the mobile with you" she walked out.

She came to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. But Hari Prakash already finished the preparation.

"I'm sorry, HPji, I'm late"

"That's ok, Bhabi, you have the biggest task of handling Arnav Baba"

Khushi smiled.

"I will bring Arnavji for breakfast"

HP nodded ok. Khushi went to their room and saw Arnav tapping the phone hard, putting it on the bed.

"Arnavji, what are you doing?" she rushed in.

"It's not opening Khushi"

"No, it's not like that. Wait. I will show you." She pressed her finger on the sensor and opened the lock.

Arnav took it from her hand. In that process, the phone again got locked. Arnav tried to open it pressing his finger on the sensor and got fed up as he could not unlock it.

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