69 The Phone call

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Part 69 The Phone call

Arnav walked to his room with a smirk. FIRST NIGHT? Of course, it will be their first night, no doubt, but the purpose of the first night had already been completed. Was not it? Arnav thought. He stopped hearing,

"What are you thinking about Anjali?" Nani asked, seeing Anjali in deep thought.

"I'm thinking about the EVIL medicine Nani. I can't understand who is the cruel person who wanted to destroy Chotte to this extent..."

Nani nodded yes. Arnav and Khushi spared a glance whereas Shyam gulped, looking down. Changing his idea of going to his room, Arnav came and sat with them and Khushi also joined him.

"I too am thinking the same, Nani. I can't understand why they wanted to keep me mad instead of killing me" Arnav said.

"They would be jealous of you, Arnavji... they would have done that could not bear your gradual growth," Khushi said.

"Khushi is right, Chotte. Or else, why would they keep you mad?"

"I want to know who the person behind my madness... if I get to know the person, then he will surely feel bad for making fun out of me," Arnav said wrathfully which made Shyam nervous.

He wanted to do something about it. The doctor was arrested. He would have been involved in third-degree treatment... Then he would spit the complete truth... Then he would also be behind the bars. It would not happen.

"I can't believe such a cruel person is existing in the world..." Nani said.

"Of course, such persons exist, Nani. They would be in disguise... we can't even identify their REAL face..." Arnav said with a hidden meaning.

"Whom you are talking about, Bhai?" Lavanya asked.

"I suspect some people but I can't reveal their names as of now but very soon the culprit will be exposed..."

Shyam sensed Arnav was controlling his anger.

"But, Arnavji, what if the doctor doesn't say who is behind this?"

There was an evil smirk on Arnav's face.

"How won't he say? The SPECIAL TREATMENT to the doctor is already started..." Arnav said with a dangerous smile.

"Ask the commissioner to feed the same medicine to him, Chotte. he should know how it feels like," Anjali said gritting her teeth.

Shyam was drained... Arnav was already wrathful and Anjali was feeding him ideas as if he knew nothing. He sighed.

"I have kept the medicine safe for the MAIN (stressing) culprit, Di. Will surely make the person know the severity of the medicine... not only that, I will cut him into pieces and will feed his flesh to the street dogs" Arnav spat fire through his words.

Shyam dialed someone's number and disconnected the call. He knew the person would call him back. He wanted to tell someone about Arnav's plan of making the person's life hell who made him consume the medicine. But there was no response from the other side. Shyam got irritated.

"Chotte, why can't you trap the phone of the persons whom you are suspecting?" Anjali asked which made Shyam more horrified.

"No, Rani Sahiba, it's illegal..." he notified hurriedly.

"Is not feeding the evil medicine to Chotte illegal?" she snapped at him.

"Of course, yes... but the case went into the police's hands. Then we don't have to make any move illegally because the case may turn opposite to us due to that mistake"

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