73 The Truth

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Part73 The Truth

"Shyam... how many times, will you call me and blabber? I know you are nervous. As I told you, didn't I shut the doctor's mouth forever? just be relaxed..."

What did the phone call mean? According to the call, he was the reason for the doctor's death. If he was the reason, why did he call Shyam and asked him to be relaxed? Was Shyam also involved in this issue? If he was involved in it, what about the EVIL MEDICINE? Was he also a part of it? Did he know about the medicine? Did he give it to Arnav? but why? Why did he do that? Was not he a good person just like what he showed to them? Was there no difference between the other man and him? Was everything acting? Was he a cheater?

Anjali's hands shivered... Eyes poured uncontrolled... Heartbeat jumped, like, it would break her ribs. She felt dizzy. Her vision became dark. She dropped the phone from her hand and it fell down on the floor. She fell down on the floor, losing consciousness, and could not stand the truth.

Shyam who came out of the washroom saw her lying on the ground lifelessly.

"Rani Sahiba..." he shouted. That echoed in the whole RM.

Khushi who just came into the living room heard it. Lavanya was shocked, hearing who went to her room to call Aman. Nani headed to Anjali's room. Khushi and Lavanya ran to her room, overtaking Nani. Khushi entered her room, seeing Shyam placing her on the bed whereas Lavanya was standing at the doorstep, looking at them. Nani also entered her room.

"What happened to Anjali bitiya?"

"Don't know Nani. I just came from the washroom and saw her on the floor, fainted"

Taking a water glass from the side table, Khushi sprinkled the water on her face. Anjali slowly moved her eyeballs and opened her eyes.

"Rani Sahiba, what happened to you? Do you know how scared I was seeing on the floor lifelessly?"

Anjali closed her eyes and said nothing.

"How are you feeling Di?" Khushi asked worriedly.

"Just... felt dizzy"

"Didn't you eat anything?" Shyam asked.

She nodded yes.

"I will bring you something to drink" Khushi rushed out.

"I will call the doctor," Shyam said.

"No need... I will be alright if I take a rest" Anjali said.

"Ok... you take rest if you want"

Anjali closed her eyes. Shyam sat next to her, caressing her hair. Anjali turned opposite Shyam gulping down.

Khushi came out of the kitchen with a juice glass. She saw Arnav entering RM. She rushed to him worriedly. Arnav frowned, seeing her worrisome face.

"Is everything alright?"

Khushi nodded no.

"Di, fainted, Arnavji"

"Whaaaat? But why? Didn't she eat anything?"

"She did... suddenly, she fainted"

Removing his phone, Arnav called the doctor while walking to Anjali's room.

"Doctor, this is Arnav Singh Raizada. Could you please come to RM?"


"Di fainted"


"Oh... ok... but please try to come soon"

Arnav disconnected the call.

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