2 The Book

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Part 2 The Book

AMD college

Lavanya came out of the exam hall and waited for someone with her friend Meenakshi. She smiled, seeing a girl who was also smiling at her. Lavanya rushed to her and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you so much, Khushi. I thought I will fail this paper. Thank you for helping me"

"It's me who should thank you. if you had not given me your books to study, I could not have studied" Khushi smiled.

"Thank God, I gave my books to you" Lavanya chuckled.

So did Khushi and Meenakshi.

"What's next, Khushi?" Meena asked.

"What else? I have to search for a job." She simply said.

Though Khushi was so close to them, she never disclosed her family condition to her friends. Her mother Garima wants to live a lavishing life that her father could not give because Khushi didn't find it wrong. Garima never got any of her simple wishes to come true. Shashi can afford a very simple life for her. After Shashi's demise, their life became so miserable. They were running their life with a very low income of their house rent. Khushi was studying for the second year at the time of Shashi's demise. Garima wanted to discontinue Khushi's studies due to their economic condition. But she didn't have any option other than sending her to college because Khushi was her only hope to get the life she dreamt of. Khushi was waiting to take on her family's responsibility because her only brother was highly irresponsible and got addicted to alcohol. Her friends got to know her family's condition only when they attended her father's funeral.

"I will talk to my Jeejaji about your job. I'm sure you will get the job because I know your ability" Lavanya said.

"Thank you, La. If I get a job, I will try to fulfill my mother's wish"

"Don't take me wrong, Khushi. I don't think you can do it." Meena said.

Khushi was silent because Meena was not wrong. Garima was a desirous woman. Making her satisfied was not an easy task.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you," Meena said.

Khushi smiled voluntarily.

"Only one exam is left. Please, study well Khushi. Or else, my Di will kill me" Lavanya pleaded.

Khushi nodded ok chuckling.

"How can I study when I don't have the book?" Khushi said.

"You are talking as if you don't study anything?" Lavanya asked.

"I have not touched the last chapter yet. I will have to read it."

"Don't worry... I will bring it tomorrow when I'm coming to the farewell party"

"Party...?" Khushi sighed.

"Why don't you come to the party?" Lavanya asked.

"Actually, I thought not to..."

"Why Khushi?" Meena asked.

"I will study if I don't come to the party. Could you come to my home and give me the book? Please Lavanya..." Khushi managed to lie. She too wanted to attend the farewell party with her friends and enjoy it like other students. Yet, she decided not to go to the party because she didn't have a good dress to wear.

"This is not fair, Khushi. This is our farewell... please come, Khushi" Lavanya said.

"Yes, Khushi... please come... these photographs will remain a part of our lives forever. We want you to be in it. Please come." Meena said.

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