40 Brother and Sister

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Part 40 Brother and Sister

Anjali entered Arnav's room with a smile.

"How are you Chotte?"

"What happened to me?"

She sat on the bed. That was when she got a call on her mobile.

"Jee Panditji... day after tomorrow evening is fine"


"Yeah... I will make all the arrangements for the Pooja"


"The Pooja is for my brother's betterment. Yeah..."

Arnav rolled his eyes.

"Ok, Panditji... thank you"

Anjali disconnected the call and smiled at Arnav as if she had achieved something big.

"Done with your Pooja arrangements?"

"Yeah... you have started going out. Before you gear up, I want to finish the Pooja" Anjali said.

"Go ahead..."

"Why are you sitting in your room? Just come out and be with us"

"I will come, changing my dress, Di"

"Ok... come fast. We will be waiting with tea" Anjali walked.

"What happened to you Di, you are using the word WE instead of I these days?"

Anjali got stuck. Composing herself, she said,

"We missed you a lot in these days, Chotte... everyone is excited to be with you. That's why" she left the place.

Arnav came downstairs, changing his dress. He saw Khushi serving tea to everyone. She extended the tray towards Arnav.


Taking a cup from the tray, he sat with them. Khushi also took a seat opposite Arnav with a cup. Arnav sipped the tea while noticing Khushi. Undoubtedly she was stealing his glance. Arnav faced a tough time not reacting.

*How does it feel if she is his wife? So, beautiful... so calm... so skilled... so intelligent... would he be so lucky to have such a girl as his wife? * he thought. He gulped. This was torture, being unaware of his own wife. He had to find it out as much as possible.

"Good tea," he said slightly raising the cup, looking at Khushi.

She smiled at him.

"Khushi prepares good tea. We became fans of her tea." Anjali said.

"Di, if you liked the tea prepared by Khushi, you should learn the preparation from her instead of making her work..." he said shrugging his shoulder.

"We don't insist on her but she is the one who is doing that interestingly," Anjali said.

Arnav looked at Khushi who nodded YES. Arnav nodded NO and sipped the tea. He saw Lavanya sitting nervously, not drinking the tea.

"Oye, what happened to you? Don't you like the tea?"

Lavanya sipped it hurriedly and said nothing. Arnav was taken back, seeing that. Anjali and Nani laughed whereas Khushi controlled her smile biting her lip.

"Any problem?"

"Lavanya is going to face a big problem tomorrow," Anjali said.

"What problem?"

Lavanya made a face and everyone laughed.

"Could you guys tell me the matter?" Arnav asked restlessly.

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