72 Anjali is in Action

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Part 72 Anjali in Action

Arnav came to the commissioner's residence. He welcomed Arnav.

"Take your seat ASR" The commissioner took his seat.

"Thank you, sir" Arnav sat in front of him.

"Tell me, who you are suspecting?"

"I was attacked six months ago."

"Yeah... I knew that"

"I became mad due to the attack. I have no idea what happened in my life in those six months. My family had been keeping my mental condition secret as it was about my reputation. Before the attack, a woman was behind me. She is Mrs. Reena Sharma. After my accident, she mocked my manager Aman about my mental condition once. Don't know how she got to know about me because my family maintains secrecy severely. That's what made Aman suspect Reena. Just because she got to know my condition, I didn't come to the conclusion because I don't want to hurry in this matter. And, I suspected Reena's husband Raja Sharma also. He loved Reena very much. She divorced him only to marry me because she thought I'm hesitant to accept her just because she is Sharma's wife"

"Oh... If it is so, Raja Sharma is indeed a suspect... Then?

"After that, she divorced Sharma and trapped a guy called Siddharth. She was in a LIVE-IN relationship with him. Recently, Siddharth died in an accident. Till then, I thought Raja Sharma would be behind our attacks. But, when I attended Siddhartha's funeral, I got to know Siddharth's family was not fine with Siddharth and Reena's relationship and they fixed his marriage with some other girl. Reena had fought with Siddharth brutally regarding and wounded him in anger. So, Siddharth broke up with Reena. Reena didn't even attend his funeral. So, she should be the one who intended to kill him"

"Yeah, Raja Sharma would have felt happy about their broken relationship... so, he might not have killed him..."

"We can't take him easily sir, he is such a person who never gets compromised with anything, if he is fixed with something. That was how I married Reena without minding her unwillingness"

"Oh... were not they lived happily for even a few days of their marriage?"

"I don't think so, Sir. Raja Sharma made her one of the directors of his company and also registered some properties in her name. Yet, she was not ready to accept him as her husband because she didn't like an old man"

"These are the possibilities... but we need proof. We will find it anyhow. Naushad is a talented officer. He will bring out the truth"

"Ok, sir"

"Mmm... By the way, I too have questions. You said Reena mocked your mental illness. Don't you suspect any of your family members? There are many chances for your family members to be a culprit. Or... maybe they would have blurted out about your mental condition to someone unknowingly..."

Arnav's face changed as he thought about Shyam. The commissioner noticed it.

"Don't mistake me, ASR. It's not easy to be a multi-millionaire, you know? It's a life, like walking on thorns. Ninety percent of problem creator in the world is MONEY. MONEY can change anyone. it does anything and makes anything possible"

Arnav nodded yes, smiling softly.

"The doctor was treating you and you had not shown improvement. Didn't your family members think of changing the doctor or the treatment method?"

"I don't know what situation they were in, sir... I expected I can get some clues from the doctor"

"I'm strongly suspecting the doctor should have had a HELPING HAND in your family. Without help, the doctor alone could not have done that"

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