32 Is ASR back?

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Part 32 Is ASR back? (Longest update)

"I'm leaving. I will call you after doing all the arrangements..." Aman said, and Anjali nodded ok.

Aman walked out. Anjali headed to her room and Shyam followed her. Lavanya waited for a few minutes and rushed behind Aman.

"Aman..." she called and Aman who was about to open the car door stopped and looked at her.

"Aman, shall I come with you?"

"Where do you want to come with me? Office?"

"No no... to Tamilnadu"

Aman crossed his hands over his chest.

"Why Lavanya? What are you going to do in Tamilnadu?"

"Meena will also join with Khushi if Khushi wants..."

Cutting her,

"So, you too want to come to Tamilnadu?"


"When did Meena tell you about the clinic?"

"Oh... when Bhai attacked Khushi"

"Didn't you feel to share the information about the clinic with me?"

"Actually, Jeejaji..."

"Damn your Jeejaji... is your jeejaji more important than your brother?"

"What can I do when Di and Nani are silent?"

"So, you didn't even think of its necessary, right?"

"No Aman... nothing hit my mind that time"

"Yeah, you know only to cry... how many times did you cry for Khushi? instead of crying, you should have thought something useful to get your brother out of his madness"

Lavanya was silent. Aman left the place furiously. Lavanya understood that Aman was upset with her like hell.

In the meanwhile,

Anjali came to her room and started packing her clothes in a bag.

"Rani Sahiba, take the big bag. So that, we can carry one bag for both of us"

"You don't have to come with me. you just stay here and concentrate on your work"

"But, Rani Sahiba..."

"Enough Shyamji... enough of your service. You have proved me wrong in trusting you. I'm feeling shamed to be blind in your matter. From here on, I'm not going to listen to any of your words"

"Rani Sahiba, please don't insult me. it feels like, I'm the reason for Arnav's current state..."

Cutting him,

"You are... absolutely you are the reason."

"Rani Sahiba..."

"Enough... I have no time to listen to your useless emotional talks. I know what's good for this family and I will do that no matter what. I won't be quiet until I get Chotte cured."

"I don't say anything against you..."

"Who cares if you say anything against me?" Anjali left the room not having the mood to argue with him.

Shyam stood running his finger in his hair annoyingly. The Doctor got arrested. Shyam knew he was in big trouble. Aman won't be quiet anymore. He will keep his eyes everywhere around Arnav and RM. He won't sit quietly until the main culprit got caught. Aman had a strong doubt about him. His phone calls might be tracked. He would be watched. He should stop all his activities for a few days. But he had to stop Arnav from going to Tamilnadu for treatment. Arnav should not get cured. If he got his memories back, then everything would go in vain. Arnav should be stopped anyhow. Shyam drowned in the thought of stopping Arnav from going to Tamilnadu.

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