80 Gratitude

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Part 80 Gratitude

Arnav lowered his phone from his ear, looking at Khushi with mixed feelings who was congratulating Lavanya on her marriage. Arnav came to her and touched her shoulder. Khushi looked at him.

"Khushi, we have to go to GH," Arnav said.

"GH? I'm sorry, Arnavji... I won't come. If you want to invite your mother-in-law to your sister's wedding then, I have no problem but I don't come" she again concentrated on Lavanya.

"Khushiii..." Arnav blinked his eyes.

Khushi read his eyes and got confused.

"What happened, Arnavji?" Khushi asked seeing his changed facial expression.

Arnav gulped down.

"Is anything wrong?" She asked suspiciously.

Arnav nodded yes.

"What happened Arnavji?" she clutched his shoulders.

"Your mother..."

Cutting him,

"My mother?" she asked losing her patience.

"Your mother is dead..."

Khushi widened her eyes in shock. If it was not Arnav who told her that, she would not have believed it.

"Swaraj killed her"

Khushi felt a shiver running up her spine. Her heart drumming like hell. She dropped herself down, losing consciousness. Arnav circled her waist and pulled her onto his chest.


Picking her in his arms, he rushed to the bed whereas Aman ran towards the water jug. In no time, Lavanya ran out to convey the message to Nani and Anjali.

Arnav sprinkled water on her face. Khushi slowly opened her eyes and cried, circling her knees. Arnav sat next to her.

"Khushi, I know how critical this situation is but you have to withstand it. Please be brave. We have to go to GH. We should be there" he said.

Khushi looked at him spilling tears.

"Come..." He made her stand.

"Shall we?"

Khushi nodded ok slowly, sobbing.

When they came downstairs, Nani and Anjali were waiting for them with Lavanya. Obviously, they were crying. Clutching Khushi's hand, Arnav walked without stopping there. He knew what will happen if he stayed there for even a minute. They would start crying and won't stop. Anjali, Lavanya, Aman, and Nani followed them.


Khushi got down from the car and saw the big crowd around Gupta house. Swaraj was sitting in the police jeep, bowing down, handcuffing. Khushi walked inside the house without thinking of anything. the girl who didn't want to see her mother's face entered the house to see her mother for the first time after her wedding... unfortunately, that was the last time too. Arnav followed Khushi.

"Hey, who are you?" The police who were there to investigate the case asked.

Before Arnav said anything, Sara rushed to him and said,

"She is her daughter, Khushi Singh Raizada, Sir"


Khushi looked here and there and found Garima in the pool of blood with open eyes. Her neck had been cut with the gold chain which she was wearing. Khushi felt her heart so heavy. She didn't know what to say. Garima always wanted to wear a thick gold chain. It was her dream. She would never have dreamt that the chain itself would take her life one day.

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