22 Born Nature

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Part 22 Born Nature (Longest Update)

Khushi became overwhelmed, hearing Arnav calling her name. Her eyes pooled up instantly with happy tears. Of course, she knew Arnav would show some changes but she didn't expect, he would call her name. She became curious too. She wanted to know what else he was going to do. She wanted to see the changes.

"Khushi, Bhai is calling your NAME" Lavanya hugged her happily.

Khushi tapped her back.

"What magic have you done, Khushi? He never uttered a single word after the accident but now, he calls you by your name. He remembers you. You are great, Khushi" Anjali said.

Khushi composed herself.

"Didn't I say, he was not as wild as before?" Khushi said smilingly wiping her tears.

"Khushi is always Khushi... won't accept her greatness" Lavanya smiled.

"If you have doubt, go and stand in front of your Bhai. Just observe, how he looks at you" Khushi said confidently.

Lavanya gulped down hard as she experienced it already and it was so horrible.

"The grill gate is locked. Don't worry" Khushi said.

Lavanya nodded ok and walked towards Arnav's room. She saw Arnav standing at the grill gate looking for Khushi. He shouted again.

"Khushiiiii... come here"

Lavanya went in front of him but Arnav didn't even give a DAMN to her presence. Getting a little courage, Lavanya called him.


Arnav didn't look at her. Taking a step, she moved a bit close to him. She extended her hand towards him and touched his hand. Shrugging her hand off,

"Go..." Arnav said frowning.

"Khushiiiii... come here..." Lavanya shouted joyfully.

Khushi rushed towards Arnav's room. Anjali and Nani followed her. Seeing Khushi, Arnav SMILED for the first time.

"Khushiiii..." he spread his hand with a smile.

Lavanya who was in could nine hugged Khushi tightly and kissed her cheek.

"You are a GODDESS, Khushi... I love you so much... you are not just a girl but a miracle" she kissed her again.

"Aaiiiiii... leave Khushi" Arnav hit the grill gate with his palm angrily, making all of them stunned.

"Khushi come" Arnav shouted.

Reliving herself from Lavanya's clutch, Khushi entered the room, opening the gate. In no time, Arnav hugged her and said looking at Lavanya.

"Don't touch Khushi... my wife..."

Khushi smiled with happy tears whereas others stood with an unbelievable expression. Lavanya nodded ok with a smile, managing herself.

"Di, I think ASR is back..." Lavanya hopped.

"I too think the same... See, how he is showing his right on Khushi. ASR will be ASR no matter whether he is with his sense or not" Anjali wiped her happy tears.

"Hey, Devi Maiya, how possessive he is on Khushi...!" Nani wondered.

"Let's go... don't make him angrier..." Anjali said.

They nodded ok and walked off. Anjali took her mobile to dial Shyam and stopped thinking something.

"Di, are you going to call Jeeju and tell him...?" Lavanya asked.

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