23 The Biggest change

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Part 23 The biggest Change

After talking to Swamiji, Khushi came to the living room.

"Where is Arnavji?" Anjali asked.

"He is sleeping" Khushi chuckled.

Anjali rushed to Khushi and hugged her.

"Thank you, Khushiji. Thank you so much for changing our Chotte" She tapped Khushi's back.

"It's my duty..."

"I wanted to hug you from the morning but I don't want your Arnavji to get angry with me. That's why I waited." Anjali laughed.

Khushi smiled a little.

"You know Khushiji, Chotte is a very possessive guy. He won't show it up openly but he is. I saw that today again, so openly"

So, Swamiji's statement was right. Arnav was naturally a possessive guy. His nature was getting out little by little.

Khushi had lunch with them. Lavanya also joined them. After lunch, Khushi chitchatted with them randomly. She wanted to get close to them. She believed that she needed their support to stand against Shyam. But, she hadn't opened up about the outing program. She thought it was too earlier to talk about it. she thought to talk about it after two days.

Though Khushi was talking with them she was looking at the way to Arnav's room again and again while chitchatting. After one and half an hour, Arnav came out of the room searching for Khushi. he didn't shout her name as the gate was opened. Khushi saw him coming and was about to stand,

"Let him come here, Khushiji" Anjali said.

Arnav came to Khushi and sat next to her. He leaned on her shoulder circling her waist with sleepy eyes. Khushi looked at them awkwardly whereas others controlled their smile.

"Arnavji, are you sleepy?"

"Mmm..." Arnav lay on her lap, stretching his legs on the couch.

"You know what Khushiji, Chotte never slept like this before your marriage" Anjali said.

"Oh... really?" Khushi said as if it was a new statement for her.

"I can't understand how Chotte changed in a very short period"

Khushi was silent.

"Anjali bitiya, however, our Chotte is getting cured. It's enough for us... let the reason be anything... Chotte is out of his horrible state. Is not it enough?" Nani said.

Anjali nodded yes.

"Shall I prepare tea?" Khushi asked.

"I agree you prepare tea well... but what about Khushi's husband? He will become angry if you go leaving him. Do you want us to leave our precious life for a single tea?" Anjali laughed.

"Nothing will happen" Khushi slowly put him down on the couch smilingly and went to the kitchen.

Lavanya followed her. She sat on the kitchen slab and pulled Khushi towards her.

"I owe to give you special thanks, Khushi. I'm planning to throw a great party after Bhai's recovery... especially for you"

Khushi smiled.

"I'm happy, you came out of your guilt," Khushi said.

"Not yet completely... even though Bhai is recovering the effort you are putting into it is unimaginable Khushi. Honestly speaking, if I had been in your place, I would not have done what you are doing" she said emotionally.

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