79 Shocking News

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Part 79 Shocking News

Arnav disconnected the call.

"Arrest warrant has been issued to Shyam," Arnav said.

"Arrest warrant for Shyamji? But how?" Khushi asked.

"Reena has given a statement about the evil medicine that includes Shyam..."

"Oh... then the police will surely arrest Shyamji"

"Yes... he has to be arrested."

"Poor Di. Don't know how she is going to come out of this stress"

"I wonder... she is not showing it openly," Arnav said.

"She is guilty, Arnavji. She thinks, because of her, you were kept mentally ill"

"It's truly true..."

Khushi sighed.

"Thank god, at least Lavanya got a good man... hai na Arnavji?" she said grinning.

"Whom you are talking about Khushi?"

Khushi glared at him.


"Stop playing Arnavji"

"Playing? I'm asking you seriously"

"Don't you know I'm talking about Aman Bhai?"

"Oh...do you know Aman is good?"

"Don't you know?"

"At first, I thought Shyam is a good person, but no one could get... what happened? He made us fool... everything is acting"

"But why are you talking about Shyamji now?"

"What do you want me to talk about?"

"Are not you happy with Aman Bhai?"

"Khushi, this is not about my happiness... This is a matter about my sister's future"

"What do you mean, Arnavji? Don't you trust Aman Bhai?"

"How could I trust him if he doesn't even have the guts to face the issue?"

"That's why they want me to take it forward"

"Are you going to babysit them for every small thing?"

Khushi dropped her jaw.

"If they love each other, they should fight for each other. Stand for their love. How could they expect it from others?"

"Aman Bhai is scared because you are Arnav Singh Raizada..."

"He is in a relationship with none other than Arnav Singh Raizada's sister... then he has to deal with Arnav Singh Raizada right?"

Khushi pouted.

"Khushi, I don't want you to interfere in this matter. Let them do it. then only we can know how deep their love is. And how strong they are in their relationship is..."

"I feel bad for them... they will feel nervous..."

"Not more than you, when you treated me without anyone's knowledge"

"It was necessary, Arnavji..."

"Everything is... Loving our beloved ones... spending time with them... listening to their heart... everything is necessary. It's a simple thing. But if we ignore giving our time to our beloved ones, our problem starts. So, everything is necessary for our life. And, what you did for me is not necessary... it was completely your choice. You choose the path to save me... it's your love that saved me"

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