78 Arrest Warrant

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Part 78 Arrest Warrant

Arnav felt relieved. Except for Anjali and Shyam's issue, everything happened nicely. He expected more drama in Anjali's matter. Thank God, she herself found out the truth and decided what to do. the baby was safe. Shyam was thrown out of RM. the doctor was killed and the culprits were arrested. Shyam was the only one who was roaming outside. He could not be taken easily. He was more dangerous than anyone. Until he got caught, Raizadas were still at risk. He knew that. He wanted to see how Anjali was. He came to her room.

Arnav saw Khushi going to Anjali's room with a juice glass. She turned her face to the opposite side with a pout, seeing Arnav. Arnav smiled inwardly.

Khushi stopped, not getting inside Anjali's room hearing her saying. She was lying on Nani's lap, crying.

"My baby will never forgive me, Nani..."

"You should not have taken the decision in haste, Anjali bitiya"

"I didn't know what to do, Nani. I don't know how to punish him"

"We could have handed him to the police..."

Cutting her,

"It's not enough for him, Nani... I wanted to break him emotionally just like, how he broke me. then only he feels the pain... and I succeeded too"

"What about your pain? Just because you want to punish him, you punished yourself... the pain will be staying in your heart forever..."

"I know Nani. I can't forgive myself for what I did with my child. She was a part of my soul... my blood... my life... I destroyed her"

Nani was about to say something, but she stopped, hearing,

"No, Di... you didn't destroy her," Arnav said, walking in.

He sat on the bed and clutched her hand.

"Di, you have punished Shyam in the way you wanted to... it's finished... from here on, you don't have to think about it. Just think about your baby..."

Anjali looked at Nani with confusion.

"Do you want Anjali to think about her BABY?" Nani asked, could not understand what he was saying.

"Yes, Nani... she should think only about her baby"

"Chotte, do you have any idea, what you are talking about? Anjali will get hurt if she thinks about the baby"

"No Nani... she won't... because her baby is still alive"

Anjali was thunder stuck. She was looking at Arnav blankly. There was no expression on her face. Tears rolled down from her eyes. Arnav wiped her tears while nodding yes.

"What do you mean Chotte?"

"Yes, Di... the baby is safe"

"What are you talking Chotte?" Nani asked restlessly.

"Do you remember Seema Di? Di's friend?"

Nani nodded yes.

"She saved the baby. It was her sister-in-law's clinic. As she knew how Di was eagerly waiting to have a child, she understood, something was wrong. So, she asked her sister-in-law not to abort the child. She just made Di unconscious with a very low dose of chloroform and lied she aborted the child"

Nani wiped her tears whereas Anjali closed her mouth with her palm spilling happy tears.

"Is... it...Chotte?"

"Yes, Di... according to Shyam, your baby is gone. He got what he deserves but you are not worthy of that pain Di... you don't deserve to lose a good soul... your baby didn't go anywhere... she will be with you forever"

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