65 The Loyal Servant

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Part 65 The loyal servant...

Raizadas spilled a satisfactory smile, seeing Arnav coming with Khushi. Arnav came to the dining and pulled a chair for Khushi just like a gentleman. Khushi sat on the chair, smiling whereas Anjali smiled at Arnav.

"Should agree... Khushi is an understanding girl. She understands me well." Arnav said taking a seat next to Khushi.

Raizadas had no idea, what Arnav was talking about.

"She promised me that she won't demand anything from me..."

Raizadas looked at Khushi who was bowing down.

"She agreed to be my friend... nothing more than that"

Raizadas didn't know, what means Khushi promised him. Maybe, she didn't want to annoy Arnav. She should have agreed to it because she might have thought, Arnav's mind would change in the upcoming days. But, they knew very well that if Arnav fixed into something, he won't change his mind... ever. He will be firm in his decision. That worried them like hell.

"But, you guys don't think I will change my mind" Arnav added.

Khushi looked at him and then at Anjali.

"Chotte..." Anjali started...

"Di, please, this is the matter between me and Khushi. Being my wife, she herself accepted my condition then what's your problem?" Arnav asked irritatingly.

"What could she do other than accept your condition, Chotte?"

"Khushiiii..." Arnav called her.

She looked at him.

"No doubt, you are a good girl... Looking beautiful... Brilliant... And, of course, you faced a tough time with me when I was a mental... It doesn't mean, I can accept you as my wife"

"She is a good girl, looking beautiful, brilliant, she faced a tough time with you... what else do you need to accept her as your wife? What's your expectation from your wife, Chotte?" Anjali questioned.

"I have no expectation, Di. That's why I never thought about my marriage. Khushi is a nice girl. She got a job in AR. I too want such a talented person in my office. But it's different..."

Anjali rolled her eyes. She could not understand what exactly Arnav wanted. He didn't deny that Khushi was a nice girl, she was brilliant, and he was even ready to accept her as his friend, but the wife. What the hell was his problem? Could not he just talk clearly?

Anjali tried to say something,

"Di, let him eat..." Said Khushi.

"At least, there is someone who takes my side" Arnav smiled at Khushi.

Anjali sighed. How would she say what Arnav was up to?

Finishing the dinner, Arnav went to his room.

"Why did you agree to be his friend, Khushi?" Anjali asked.

"What could I do, Di? He accepted me as his friend at least. As of now, it's enough for me. Who knows, he may change his mind in the future" Khushi said wearily.

"No Khushi, if Chotte cleared his stance, he will stand in the point stubbornly. He will never change his mind"

"What can we do, if he has no idea to change his mind? Just leave it, Di"

"How could I leave it?"

"Di, at least, he is moving with me smoothly... I don't want to spoil it. Let me be his friend. I don't want anything" Khushi said painfully.

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