31 Aman's Outburst

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Part 31 Aman's outburst 

Raizadas wondered, seeing Aman standing at the doorstep whereas Shyam gulped down hard. The doctor looked at Shyam pleadingly as he knew about ASR's manager well. He won't get into anything without proof.

"What are you trying to say, Aman?" Anjali said.

"ASR was kept mad because of the medicine that the doctor gave him"

"Without any proof, you can't blame anyone Aman. Do you have proof?" Shyam asked.

"You guys have become mad. Do you know who I'm? I don't want to be here anymore. I'm going" the doctor tried to walk out.

Aman walked in and clutched the doctor's collar.

"Neither you can walk out of RM nor could you come out of this case" Aman gritted his teeth.

"Hari Prakash, close the door..." Aman shouted while taking the towel from HP's shoulder. He tied the doctor's hand with the towel.

HP rushed to the door and locked it. Aman removed the lab test report that Khushi sent to him through HP. Khushi also tested the medicine cautiously as she wanted to be ready to face anything, anytime. Aman extended the report to Anjali. Anjali read it. Lavanya also peeped in it.

"The medicine provokes sexual feeling erotically. Because of that medicine, ASR behaved wild, having uncontrolled sexual feelings. If you don't have faith in my words, you can consult any doctor and come to the conclusion"

Anjali, Nani, and Lavanya were shocked to the core. They could not believe that something horrible had been happening in Chotte's life without their knowledge. Taking a few long steps, Anjali slapped the doctor hard.

"But whhhhy? Why did you do this to our Chotte?" Anjali shouted at the doctor, clutching his collar.

The Doctor gulped down hard and looked down.

"Why are you shouting at him, Anjali? Are not you guys stupid who believed him without questioning him? how could you be so blind, Anjali?" Aman threw a valid question.

As Aman expected, Anjali glared at Shyam.

"Aman, how do we think this doctor could have bad intentions?" Shyam asked.

"Shame on you, Shyam. Being a criminal lawyer, this is how you deal with the issues. Why didn't you think of changing ASR's treatment when he didn't show improvement? Why the helllll?" Aman yelled.

Shyam became speechless.

"These women didn't think about it because you took ASR's responsibility. They trusted you. they thought, no mistakes will occur from your side. That's why they might not think of back checking this fraud" Aman pointed out Raizada women's mistake of trusting Shyam blindly.

"He gave us faith..." Shyam said in a low tone.

Cutting him,

"He gave you faith and you trusted him closing your eyes...? Who is he to you, Shyam? How many times, I would have asked you to change the treatment? Did you ever listen to me? What so stubbornness of yours, Shyam?"

"Why are you getting angry at me, Aman?"

Before Aman answered, Nani, did,

"It's because you took Chotte's responsibility. Whenever I and Anjali wanted to take Chotte somewhere for his treatment, you are the one who stopped us, giving us useless ideas. We can even suspect you Damadji"

"Naniji, are you suspecting me?"

Naniji looked somewhere with anger and Anjali answered.

"Even I'm suspecting you"

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