55 YOU...

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Part 55 YOU... 

They looked at Khushi who was suffocating, fiddling with her saree pallu, looking down. They spared a glance contently.

"I think Khushi might have guessed the answers to all my questions..." Arnav said.

Khushi's hand stopped fiddling and looked at him bewildered.

"Khushi, there is nothing to be hesitant about... Shyam is a more dangerous man than what we thought... we have to get clear within us. Then only we can handle him. if you guessed the cause of his dirty behavior, tell us Khushi" Aman asked.

Khushi looked at Arnav who gestured for her to GO AHEAD.

"Arnavji is right... Arnavji will be busy in his own life with his wife and Shyam can get Di's attention. But, Di's image will be the same in Arnavji's mind. Arnavji will lead a PEACEFUL life if he gets compromised with his wife which Jeejaji doesn't want to happen. He wants a rift between Arnavji and Di. He wants Arnavji and Di to hate one another. Then only Di will find solace in Jeejaji's presence. If Arnavji would like to get married to a rich girl, it will make Di guilty. Arnavji will get angry with Di if he gets to know she made him married to a low-class girl. Di will get upset with Arnavji... that's what Shyamji wants" she looked at them painfully.

"It seems this is getting..."

Cutting Aman,

"Serious..." Arnav said.

Aman nodded yes.

"You should be cautious, ASR"

Arnav gulped down hard. He closed his eyes and thought deeply. Khushi and Aman spared a glance without disturbing him. They knew Arnav was bothered about Anjali. Why won't he be? After all, it was about his sister's life. If he punished Shyam, Anjali would get hurt. If he didn't punish Shyam, he would destroy everything... if it was about business, it will take only a few minutes for Arnav to decide what to do next. But this was not a business deal. He never handled such a sensitive matter in his life. It was kind of walking on the knife edge. He had to be cautious. He never thought he would face such a disastrous situation in his life.

"What are you thinking ASR?" Aman asked.

Arnav nodded no.

"Relax ASR... you have to be cool..."

"I know this matter is serious. Being worried won't help to solve the problem. This is a matter of my family and its happiness... That's what made me tense. I'm worried about Di. She will get devastated if she got to know that her husband is the reason for my Madness... at the same time, she will get mad if I hand over Shyam to the police. I can't make her miserable, Aman. This is Damn obstructing..."

Aman felt bad for Arnav. He had never seen Arnav so helpless like that day.

"I can understand, ASR... we will find a way to handle this problem"


Khushi understood why Arnav was restless.

"Don't you want to punish Shyamji?" She asked making both of them stuck.

"It's not all about punishment Khushi... he is my sister's husband. His punishment will not go with only him. It will affect our family too. The ultimate loser will be me"

"What do you want to do Arnavji?"

"I should think with a calm mind. I could not conclude anything in haste. I don't want to hurt anyone by creating problems. They just got relieved from my Madness. I don't want to push them in the hellfire again"

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