5 The Warrior

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Part 5 The Warrior

Khushi was admitted to the hospital. Raizadas were asked to wait outside the room. Raizada women were crying like hell. They could not stand Khushi's condition. The RED patches on her upper body told them what she would have gone through. Lavanya was continuously crying. They didn't know how to handle the situation even though they were not accountable for it. Yet, they should answer to Khushi's family.

"Lavanya, call Khushi's mother and tell her the matter," Nani said, wiping her tears.

Lavanya nodded no fearfully.

"We have to do it, Lavanya. We have no choice"

"She came to our house to get a book to study, Naniji. She is a very good girl with a lot of morals. She is in this condition because of me. I should not have forgotten the book. I did a blunder. I spoilt her life" she slapped her own cheek.

"Lavanya, make yourself up..." Anjali clutched her hand.

"Di... Bhai tried to touch me. In the process of saving me from him, she got trapped, Di but I failed to save her. How could I see her face? I'm the reason for her state"

"This is why I told you what should be done. If you would have listened to me, we had not have faced this terrific situation. I already told you, the attraction he has in women is something we can't stand..." Shyam said wearily.

Nani looked at him blankly.

"No... I didn't mean to hurt you, Naniji... that's the reality"

"This is unexpected... we can't do something without knowing its consequences completely, Damadji. Try to understand that"

"Khushi...." Lavanya cried, closing her face.

They didn't know how to console Lavanya. they didn't know how to mend things in Khushi's life. Knowingly or unknowingly, they were the reason for her life to get ruined even though they were not responsible to it because Arnav was their family. They felt so helpless for the first time.

In the meanwhile,

Khushi opened her eyes slowly. She found herself in the hospital. She felt a sharp pain in her left forearm whereas Saline solution was being injected in her right hand. She raised her hand and gave a look. Her eyes widened, seeing the Band-Aid. She recalled the happenings of RM. She closed her eyes feeling scared as she imagined how Arnav pouncing on her. She bit her lip and tried not to think of it. yet, she could not hold her tears. She cried thinking about her fate. Why did she face such a horrible situation in her life? Why did God put her on fire?

That's when, Khushi thought of her mother. She looked at the clock. It was 9o'clock. Garima would be waiting for her. Her mother was in a dream that she could get a good life through Khushi. Khushi gulped down hard. Tears fell down from her eyes. She sat on the bed. How was she going to take this issue? What was she going to do now? How was she going to react to it? That was a very sensitive matter but no one was responsible to it. That was an accident. Just like a dog-bite.

Suddenly, her face became calm, thinking about Lavanya. She saved Lavanya from her own brother. What Lavanya would have felt if Lavanya had been touched by her brother? What would have happened if Lavanya got trapped to the man instead of her? Lavanya could never get rid of the incident because he was her brother. Lavanya would not have been alive if it had happened. Thank God, she saved Lavanya. Khushi gasped in relief. She remembered how Lavanya tried to save her from her brother. It was her bad luck she got trapped to the man. In fact, HE was also not at fault. He was mental after all. He chased his own sister. Then how could he be blamed?

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