24 Questioning Arnav

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Part 24 Questioning Arnav

Khushi was horrified sensing someone behind her. She slowly turned around and saw HP standing with an unbelievable expression. Khushi looked somewhere swallowing her uneasiness, didn't know what to do.

"The much I know, you can't be bad because after your arrival only Arnav Baba is recovering from the evil illness and showing unexpected changes in him. I'm witnessing your dedication in front of my eyes, Bhabi. If you are not bad, that medicine must be bad... am I right?" HP asked.

Khushi gulped down.

"Hari Prakashji, I believe you are a loyal servant of Arnavji. Please don't tell anyone about it."

"I promise... I don't tell anyone but I want you to the answer. Is the medicine bad?" he insisted on her.

Khushi nodded yes.

"The medicine was the one that made Arnavji wild and also his condition worst" Khushi uttered finally.

"Please, don't say Shyam Babu is involved in that" HP pleaded.

"I so want to say so... but I can't... he is the one who was doing that joining hands with the doctor"

HP became furious.

"He not only betrayed this family but also made me do the same by making me give the medicine to Arnav baba," HP said with teary eyes furiously.

They saw Aman entering in angrily. He clutched Khushi's shoulders and asked.

"Is that true, Khushi? Was the medicine given to ASR bad? Is Shyam involved in that? How do you know?" Aman shot the questions.

It seemed he listened to the talks between her and HP.

"I heard Jeejaji talking with the doctor the very next day of our marriage. So, I stopped giving the medicine to Arnavji right away"

Aman gritted his teeth.

"I'm not going to leave them..." Aman seethed.

"Aman Bhai, please be patient..."

"How could I Khushi?"

"You have to... what if they attack Arnavji in another way? This is a simple method to tackle them easily. If they inject him another medicine, then we can't even give Arnavji the antidote"

"Do you want me to be quiet?"

"No... I didn't say so. Jeejaji went to Lucknow. He will be back only after a week. Till then, let me treat Arnavji. I'm sure he will get more improvement in one week for sure"

"What treatment?" Aman frowned.

Khushi got stuck.

"Are you treating him, Khushi?" Aman asked wondering.

Khushi nodded yes.

"I'm bringing the Ayurveda medicine from Tamilnadu where there is a specialist in mental illness"

"Don't anyone know about it?"

"No... I don't know whom should I believe. I'm scared. What if they tell Jeejaji about it? that's why I'm keeping it secret. At the same time, I can't tell anyone about Jeejaji too"

"How are you doing that without anyone's knowledge?"

"With the help of my friend Meena. Please don't say anything to Lavanya for some time because it's a matter of Jeejaji. I don't know what will happen if they get to know the truth about him"

Aman became thoughtful. Khushi was right. Raizada women would break down if they got to know about Shyam. But why did Shyam do that? He was not even interfering in AR's issues. He had no interest to enter AR. Then for what he was doing this?

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