17 Khushi is ready

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Part 17 Khushi is ready... (Double long update)

Khushi got Arnav's room's control in her hand. She was sure that she had to enter Arnav's room to treat him because she could not treat Arnav without entering his room. But she could not do it without Shyam's help. Now, she didn't have to take Shyam's help. She stood there silently.

"Khushi, be careful when you open the door," Lavanya said.

Khushi nodded ok. They left the place one by one. Khushi waited until they got vanished from her sight. She peeped in and saw Arnav standing leaning on the wall.

"Arnavji..." she called him in a low tone.

Arnav tilted his head and looked at her.

"Come here" he beckoned him.

Arnav turned opposite her not looking at her. Khushi stood, gazing at him. She sighed. She could not take the risk of entering the room now. After talking with the doctor, she wanted to decide. so, she left the place.

Khushi's phone rang. She smiled seeing Meena's number.


"Khushi, Swamiji I mean, the doctor is ready to talk to you. Download the ZOOM app on your mobile. I will send you the link. Just join the meeting. Tell him everything"

"Thank you so much Meenu"

"It's my duty, dear. Get ready" she disconnected the call.

Khushi downloaded the Zoom app and waited.

She came to Anjali.


"Tell me, Khushi. Do you want something?"

"I didn't sleep last night properly. I'm sleepy..."

"Then go and sleep"

"Yeah... I'm going to sleep"

"Don't worry, no one will disturb you"

"Thank you"

Khushi came to her room and locked the door. She didn't want any disturbance when she was in the meeting with the doctor. That was why she lied to Anjali.

Khushi waited for Meena to call her. Meena appeared on the screen.

"Khushi, talk to the doctor. Tell him your complete problem. He knows Hindi"

Khushi nodded ok. Meena turned the mobile to the doctor. He was in his sixty-plus.

"Tell me your problem, beti"

"My husband is a mental disorder patient. His enemies hit his head with an iron rod. So, he lost his sense, he forgot everything, and everyone... even his own self behaves wild. I thought it's everything happened only because of the accident. But I got to know the truth two days ago. His jeejaji is the reason for his current state. He is keeping him in the same state using some medicine with a help of a doctor. Everyone in this family are trusting him like God. I don't know whether they trust me or not if I tell them the truth. And I don't think I can save my husband from going against him. I don't know what to do. Please save my husband" she pleaded.

"That means you can't bring him here for the treatment. Right?"

"No... he won't let me do that"

"Could you send me the medicine he is giving to your husband?"

"Yeah, I have the sample"

"Ok... send it to me. I will test the medicine and will tell you what to do"

"I will send the medicine today itself"

"Ok... take my phone number. You can call me anytime"

"Thank you so much"

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