85 Gestures

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Part 85 Gestures

"Why are you pretending?" Swamiji asked.

Anjali was fiddling with her saree pallu.

"Don't you think you are hurting your family?"

Anjali looked at him and started crying.

"Don't cry, beta... what's your problem? Tell me, I will try to find a solution to it. Whatever it is, don't hurt people who want your betterment"

"I'm not intended to hurt my family. I just want to punish that man, my so-called husband... I don't want him to be in peace. I'm the only reason for whatever happened to my brother. I'm the reason for everything. I could have avoided it if I had been alert. That man used my trust in his favor. I never expected him to be so cruel that could ruin someone's life for his own benefit. I trusted him, Swamiji... I can't tolerate the betrayal" She cried.

"But, he is already in jail"

"But, he requested my brother to let him know about my mental health. He will become peaceful if he gets to know that I'm recovered... I don't want it to happen" She said wrathfully.

"Understand one thing, beta... you are not just punishing him but you are punishing the baby that grows inside you. Having a grudge does not make you happier but only bitter. Forgiving doesn't make you weak. It sets you free"

Anjali cried, closing her face.

"If you can't forgive him, try to forget him. you set him free from your life, then set him free from your memories too. Don't you know that a little soul needs a pleasant atmosphere to grow? You are stressing the baby while stressing yourself. Just feel free. This universe won't miss punishing anyone with deserving punishment. Your husband already got the worst punishment that could hurt him the most... YOUR HATRED. I'm not asking you to forgive him for him but for you. Just forgive him and be relaxed. Experience the best thing in the world... motherhood. Think about how to raise your child as a good citizen. You have a very good family who thinks about your happiness. Especially, Khushi... no one would get such a great sister-in-law. Don't cheat on them, beta"

Anjali nodded yes, wiping her tears.


"But, tell them they should not tell that man about my true condition" she put the condition in front of him.

"Ok... they won't tell them. It's my responsibility"

"Thank you, Swamiji... Could you do me one more favor?"


"Please don't tell my family that I pretended. They will feel bad. Tell them you cured me"

Swamiji smiled.

"Ok... I will tell them you can be cured within two or three days of treatment. Ok?"

"Thank you, Swamiji"

"But, for your kind information, your sister-in-law knows that you are pretending"

"Does Khushi know?"

"Yeah... she is the one who found it out. That's why she wanted me to come here"

"But how did she know?"

"After the accident, you feared seeing your husband. at that time, Khushi tried to console you. She made you lean on her shoulder. Right?"

Anjali nodded yes.

"When your husband called the police and said he was ready to surrender; you expressed your shock on your face with a slight jerk. That was enough for Khushi to understand your good mental condition"

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